![]() Thrills Covers ![]() SPECIALS ARTIST: JOHN HICKLENTONJudge DreddFat Bottom Boys (Judge Dredd Mega Special 1995) The Fear TeachersThe Fear Teachers 4 episodes (Toxic! 28 to 31) 22 pages Rogue Trooper (Friday)Circus Daze (Rogue Trooper Annual 1991) PandoraPandora (Judge Dredd Mega Special 1994) 8 pages Third World WarHere be dragons 2 episodes (Crisis 15 to 16) The world according to Ryan (Crisis 25 to 25) The Dark other (Crisis 29 to 29) The rhythm of resistance (Crisis 30 to 30) Black man's burden (Crisis 35 to 35) Click HERE for a printer friendly view.