Harlem Heroes

Inferno 40 episodes (Progs 36 to 75) 183 pages
Script: Tom Tully, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 5.67 (21 votes)

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Blackhawk 34 episodes (Progs 127 to 161) 152 pages
Script: Alan Grant/Kelvin Gosnell as Alvin Gaunt (1), Alan Grant (2-34), Artist: Massimo Belardinelli, Ramon Sola (5, 16, 17), Joe Staton (6), Greg Guler (17 - prog 144)
Thrill Power: 6.94 (31 votes)
Not in Prog 129
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 04 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 05 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 06 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 07 (9-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 08 (11-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 09 (14), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 10 (15-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 11 (18-20), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 12 (21-23), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 13 (24-26), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 14 (27-29), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 15 (30-32), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 16 (33-34), Colour: Unknown

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Flesh Book 2 14 episodes (Progs 86 to 99) 78 pages
Script: Geoffrey Miller, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli (1-12), Carlos Pino (13-14)
Thrill Power: 7.22 (27 votes)
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-2)
2000AD Extreme Edition 7
Quality: Scavengers 20 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 21 (4-6), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 22 (7-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 23 (9-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 24 (11-12), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 25 (13-14), Colour: Unknown

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Ace Trucking

Joobaloo 5 episodes (Progs 268 to 272) 25 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 8.22 (23 votes)
Rebellion: Ace Trucking Volume 1
The Best of 2000AD 74

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Moon Runners

Moonrunners 15 episodes (Progs 591 to 607) 77 pages
Script: Steve Parkhouse and Alan McKenzie, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 4.59 (27 votes)
Not in Progs 605 & 606

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Tharg's Future Shocks

Resentment 1 episode (Prog 537) 6 pages
Script: Alan Hebden, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 7.00 (6 votes)
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 75, Colour: Unknown
Quality: Time Twisters 13, Colour: Unknown

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Mean Team

Return of the Mean Team 15 episodes (Progs 525 to 541) 59 pages
Script: Alan Hebden, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli, Letters: Steve Potter (1); Jack Potter (2-5, 13); Tom Frame (6, 12); John Aldrich (7-11, 14-15)
Thrill Power: 3.47 (45 votes)
Not in Progs 532, 536
2000AD Extreme Edition 25

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The Dead

The Dead 10 episodes (Progs 510 to 519) 49 pages
Script: Peter Milligan, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 7.14 (29 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 91
2000AD Extreme Edition 21
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 17 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 18 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 19 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 20 (8-10), Colour: Unknown

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Time Twisters

The Long Haul 1 episode (Prog 360) 5 pages
Script: Chris Lowder, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 6.71 (7 votes)

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