Mean Arena 12 episodes (Progs 852 to 863) 60 pages
Script: Alan McKenzie,
Artist: Anthony Williams Thrill Power: 3.41 (27 votes)
| Page 6 (Part 4) To trade [Image]
Page 2 (Part 5) To trade [Image]
| USReprints qdredd14 | Tribute to 50's B-Movie Poster |
| USReprints qdredd15
The Organ Donors 4 episodes (Legends of the Law 1 to 4) 96 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Brent Anderson (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks),
Colour: Stuart Chaifetz,
Letters: Willie Schubert
Featuring: Judge Anderson Thrill Power: ? (2 votes)
| | Page 17 |
Twist Ending 1 episode (Prog 246) 2 pages
Script: Alan Moore,
Artist: Paul Neary Thrill Power: 6.64 (11 votes)
Reprinted Rebellion: Tharg's Future Shocks Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks
Quality: Time Twisters 07, Colour: Unknown
| | Page 1 Written by some guy named Alan Moore. If he keeps at it, he may have a future as a comic book writer. Does anyone know where page 2 is? |
| Spinoffs mutants | Title Plate for the Judge Dredd & the Mutants of t. Inks by Sam de la Rosa |
| USReprints qdredd45 [Image]
| USReprints qdredd46 Sam de la Rosa inks. [Image]
Merry Tale of the Christmas Angel 1 episode (Prog 450) 14 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Steve Dillon
Featuring: Mean Machine Thrill Power: 7.75 (12 votes)
One of the longest single stories to appear in a single prog
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 09
Classic Judge Dredd 4
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 6, Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 60, Colour: Unknown
| | Page (25) |
| Spinoffs A small greyscale marker study for a proposed poster circa late 80's early 90's. [Image]
S.A.M. 1 episode (Prog 1374) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Val Semeiks (pencils)/Cliff Robinson (inks),
Colour: Chris Blythe,
Letters: Tom Frame Thrill Power: 7.67 (24 votes)
Reprinted Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Mechanismo
| Page 1 (Part 1) Cliff Robinson inks. [Image]
Page 2 (Part 1) Cliff Robinson inks. [Image]
Page 3 (Part 1) Cliff Robinson inks. [Image]
Page 4 (Part 1) Cliff Robinson inks. [Image]
Page 5 (Part 1) Cliff Robinson inks. [Image]
Page 6 (Part 1) Cliff Robinson inks. [Image]