Lobster Random

The Agony & the Ecstasy 9 episodes (Progs 1482 to 1490) 50 pages
Script: Simon Spurrier, Artist: Carl Critchlow, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.38 (39 votes)
Final episode double length
Judge Dredd Megazine 353

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Page 3f (Part 5)

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Page 10a (Part 9)

Page 2a (Part 9)

Page 4 (Part 9)


Nemesis the Warlock

Hammer of the Warlocks 3 episodes (Progs 901 to 903) 18 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Clint Langley, Colour: Fully Painted
Thrill Power: 6.38 (16 votes)
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 3

Page 3 (Part 2)

Page 5 (Part 3)
Great pages from an often forgotten Nemesis strip


A.B.C. Warriors

Assault on the Red House 3 episodes (Progs 1246 to 1248) 18 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 6.78 (18 votes)
Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Third Element


Page 5 (Part 2) To trade
Steelhorn's first appearance for many years

Page 2 (Part 3)

Nemesis the Warlock

Book X: The Final Conflict 10 episodes (Progs 1165 to 1173) 60 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Henry Flint (1-9), Kevin O'Neill (10), Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 7.48 (25 votes)
Episode 10 in 2000AD Prog 2000.
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 3

Page 1 (Part 1)

Page 4 (Part 1)

Page 5 (Part 1)
One of the reasons I buy comics is for pages like this

Page 2 (Part 2)

Page 3 (Part 2)

Page 5 (Part 2)
Henry totally nails O'Neill's style from the original Robusters story with the gunship making a reappearance.

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Page 3 (Part 3)

Page 4 (Part 3)
If anyone has the original Terror Tube cover that inspired this main image I will pay BIG money for it

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Deadlock 11 episodes (Progs 1212 to 1222) 55 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Henry Flint
Thrill Power: 7.82 (33 votes)
episodes 1 & 11 double-length
Judge Dredd Megazine 284

Page 3 (Part 1)

Page 2 (Part 2)

Page 4 (Part 4)
More detail in one page than in some whole strips!

Page 1 (Part 5)

Page 4 (Part 5)

Page 5 (Part 5)

Page 3 (Part 6)

Page 4 (Part 6)

Page 5 (Part 6)

Page 1 (Part 7)
One of my favourite pages, perspective gone mad

Page 2 (Part 7)

Page 3 (Part 8)

Page 1 (Part 10)

Page 4 (Part 12) To trade

Page 1 (Part 13)

Page 5 (Part 13)
The last page, I scanned this in colour so you can see the Letratone already yellowing. On the back is a quick little sketch of Deadlock^s head with the words ^final page!^

Judge Dredd vs. Aliens

Incubus 15 episodes (Progs 1322 to 1335) 96 pages
Script: John Wagner and Andy Diggle, Artist: Henry Flint, Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Hershey, Judge Giant, Mechanismo
Thrill Power: 8.60 (139 votes)
New thrill. First episode in 2000AD Prog 2003. Final episode double length.
Rebellion: Judge Dredd vs. Aliens Incubus

Page 1 (Part 9)

Low Life

Paranoia 10 episodes (Progs 1387 to 1396) 52 pages
Script: Rob Williams, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.98 (56 votes)
New thrill!
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Low Life: Paranoia
Rebellion: Mega-City One Undercover

Page 3 (Part 7)
Love this scene, Henry^s use of perspective is incredible


Shakara 8 episodes (Progs 1273 to 1279) 50 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 7.17 (113 votes)
New thrill. First episode double length in 2000AD Prog 2002. Final episode double length
Rebellion: Shakara
Rebellion: Shakara The Avenger

Page To trade
I got these when i bought a load of Henry^s work, later on they turned up as part of the cover to the graphic novel, reflected in Shakara^s eyes.


Page 1 (Part 1)
Fantastic opening page

Page 8 (Part 1)

Page 2 (Part 4)

Page 6 (Part 4)

Page 1/2 (Part 5)
Check the printed double spread, there is more art down the right hand and bottom edges. Henry has taken images from later on in the strip and manipulated them into the space.

Page 5 (Part 5)

Page 3 (Part 6)

The Assassin 9 episodes (Progs 1441 to 1449) 55 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Thrill Power: 7.68 (40 votes)
Book II. First two episodes double length.
Rebellion: Shakara The Avenger

Page 4 (Part 1)

Page 1 (Part 2)

Page 4 (Part 2)

Page 4 (Part 7)
just wait until you see the final episode opening page!

Page 1 (Part 8)

Page 1 (Part 9)
One of the best pages I^ve ever seen, I bought the whole last episode to own this as Henry wanted it kept together, worth every penny.

Page 2 (Part 9)

Page 3 (Part 9)

Page 4 (Part 9)

Page 5 (Part 9)

A.B.C. Warriors

The Third Element 3 episodes (Progs 1234 to 1236) 24 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 7.90 (20 votes)
First episode double length.
Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Third Element

Page 3 (Part 1)

Judge Dredd

Total War 12 episodes (Progs 1408 to 1419) 72 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Henry Flint, Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Hershey, Vienna Dredd, Judge Roffman, Judge Logan, Low Life
Thrill Power: 8.70 (114 votes)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Total War
Rebellion: Judge Dredd Total War

Page 1 (Part 1)
Love the eagle as part of the wall design in the background

Page 1 (Part 3)
I really wanted the shot of MegaCity 1 before the bomb that's repeated in different states of carnage in the story but henry apparently gave it t Jock! This the next best thing

Flood's Thirteen 1 episode (Meg 237) 36 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Henry Flint, Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 7.63 (8 votes)
Subtitled "Unlucky for some!". Triple length.
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Henry Flint Collection

Page 11
These pages include a sheet of pencils on paper and then the actual inks on tracing paper over the top.

Page 15


2000AD 80

One of my prize pieces, one of Gibson^s best in my opinion


The Slaying of Slade 19 episodes (Progs 312 to 330) 96 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 8.29 (24 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 85
The Best of 2000AD 86
2000AD Extreme Edition 29
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 20 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 21 (4-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 22 (8-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 23 (12-15), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 24 (16-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 25 (18-19), Colour: Unknown

Page 1 (Part 7)
Entire 7th episode bought directly from Ian where Slade returns to Verdus including a recreation of one of the original Verdus pages. Seeing as original pages from this story never appear or seem lost, this was as near as I could get.

Page 2 (Part 7)

Page 3 (Part 7)

Page 4 (Part 7)

Page 5 (Part 7)



Metalzoic 10 episodes (Progs 483 to 492) 64 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Thrill Power: 7.42 (24 votes)
Originally published in a colour graphic novel by DC



Page 18

Page 24

Page 25

Page 45

Page 46
anyone got page 47 so I can have a 4 page run?

Page 48

Page 53

Page 7


2000AD 1263


The Dead

The Dead 10 episodes (Progs 510 to 519) 49 pages
Script: Peter Milligan, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 7.14 (29 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 91
2000AD Extreme Edition 21
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 17 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 18 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 19 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 20 (8-10), Colour: Unknown

Page 3 (Part 1)
Great Belardinelli from an underrated story.


Low Life

Con Artist 7 episodes (Progs 1484 to 1490) 35 pages
Script: Rob Williams, Artist: Simon Coleby, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.17 (30 votes)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Low Life: Paranoia
Rebellion: Mega-City One Undercover

Page 1 (Part 6)

Rogue Trooper

Condor Six Down 3 episodes (Progs 1462 to 1464) 15 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Simon Coleby, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 6.17 (24 votes)
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Realpolitik

Page 5 (Part 2)

Page 1 (Part 3)

Page 4 (Part 3)

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