2000AD 707

Judge Dredd

Wot I Did During Necropolis 3 episodes (Progs 707 to 709) 18 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Anthony Williams
Featuring: PJ Maybe
Thrill Power: 8.12 (33 votes)
P J Maybe escapes from Psycho-Cubes. Assumes new identity of Junion Urchison
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 15
2000AD Extreme Edition 2
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete P.J. Maybe
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Life And Crimes Of PJ Maybe

Page 1 (Part 1)
Includes lettering acetate

Page 5 (Part 1) £65 Reserved
Includes lettering acetate

Page 6 (Part 1) £65 Reserved
Includes lettering acetate

Page 2 (Part 2) £65
Includes lettering acetate

Page 5 (Part 2) £65
Includes lettering acetate

Page 6 (Part 2) £65 Sold
Includes lettering acetate

Page 1 (Part 3) £75 Reserved
Includes lettering acetate

Page 3 (Part 3) £65 Reserved
Includes lettering acetate

Page 4 (Part 3) £65
Includes lettering acetate

Page 5 (Part 3) £65
Includes lettering acetate


Judge Anderson

Satan 7 episodes (Megs 3.01 to 3.07) 57 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Arthur Ranson, Letters: Steve Potter
Featuring: Judge Dredd
Thrill Power: 7.85 (26 votes)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Psi-Judge Anderson: Shamballa
Hamlyn: Judge Anderson Satan
Rebellion: Judge Anderson Shamballa

Page 4 (Part 6)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Planet of the Damned

Planet of the Damned 10 episodes (Starlord 1 to 10) 51 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Horacio Lalia (1), Pena (2, 5-6, 8, 10), Alfonso Azpiri (3-4, 7, 9), Letters: Bill Nuttall (1), Tom Frame (2-10)
Thrill Power: 7.00 (12 votes)

Page 5 (Part 4)


Judge Dredd

The Return of Death Fist 2 episodes (Progs 540 to 541) 17 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Barry Kitson
Featuring: Dredd^s rematch with Stan Lee. Dredd wins!
Thrill Power: 7.67 (18 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 11
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 27
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Target: Judge Dredd

Page 9? (Part 1)



Flesh Book 1 19 episodes (Progs 1 to 19) 87 pages
Script: Pat Mills (1, 18-19), Ken Armstrong (2-4, 8), Studio Giolitti (5, 9, 10, 13), Kelvin Gosnell (6-7, 11-12, 14-17), Artist: Boix (1-2, 8-10, 14), Ramon Sola (3-7, 10-12, 15-16, 19), Felix Carrion (13, 17-18), Letters: Bill Nuttall (1-5, 16), Jack Potter (6-8, 12, 19), J. Swain (13), S. Richardson (9), John Aldrich (10, 14), Peter Knight (11-12), Bennsberg (15), Tony Jacob (17), Tom Frame (18)
Thrill Power: 7.13 (113 votes)
2000AD Annual 1982 (1-3)
2000AD Annual 1984 (4-7)
2000AD Annual 1989 (11-18)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.04 (1-3)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.05 (4-7)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.06 (8-14)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.07 (15-19)
Quality: Scavengers 14 (4-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 15 (8-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 16 (12-15), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 17 (16-19), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 13 (1-3), Colour: Unknown

Page 3 (Part 9)
Old one eye. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

Descent 5 episodes (Progs 1432 to 1436) 30 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Boo Cook, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Karyn, Judge Guthrie
Thrill Power: 7.50 (32 votes)

Page 2 (Part 3)


The Walking Dredd 1 episode (Meg 311) 10 pages
Script: Rob Williams, Artist: Brendan McCarthy, Letters: Annie Parkhouse

Page 4 £120

Page 5
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 6 £120


Bad Company

Bad Company 20 episodes (Progs 500 to 519) 118 pages
Script: Peter Milligan, Artist: Brett Ewins (pencils) and Jim McCarthy (inks), Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 8.62 (111 votes)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.09 (1-4)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.10 (5-6)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.11 (7-9)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.12 (10-12)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.13 (13-16)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.14 (17-18)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.15 (19-20)
Quality: Bad Company 01 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 02 (4-6), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 03 (7-9), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 04 (10-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 05 (12-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 06 (14-15), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 07 (16-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 08 (18-19), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 09 (20), Colour: Unknown
Titan: Bad Company Book 1 (1-10)
Titan: Bad Company Book 2 (11-20)
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-2)
The Best of 2000AD 77 (1-10)
The Best of 2000AD 78 (11-20)
DC/Rebellion: Bad Company Goodbye, Krool World

Page 6 (Part 6)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Rogue Trooper

Fort Neuro 19 episodes (Progs 291 to 310) 79 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day, Artist: Brett Ewins (1-2, 9-12) and Cam Kennedy (3-8, 13-19), Letters: Bill Nuttall
Thrill Power: 7.67 (24 votes)
Not in Prog 302.
The Best of 2000AD 94
The Best of 2000AD 95
DC/Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Fort Neuro
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Tales of Nu-Earth 1
Titan: Rogue Trooper Book 5

Page 2 (Part 2)

Page 4 (Part 2)

Judge Anderson

Four Dark Judges 12 episodes (Progs 416 to 427) 62 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Brett Ewins (1-7), Cliff Robinson (8-10, 12), Robin Smith (11)
Featuring: Judge Death, The Dark Judges
Thrill Power: 8.49 (76 votes)
Titan: Judge Anderson The Collected Judge Anderson
The Best of 2000AD 53
Titan: Judge Anderson Death's Dark Dimension
DC/Rebellion: Judge Anderson
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 01 (1-6)
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 02 (7-12)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Judge Death Lives!
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 1 (1-3), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 2 (4-6), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 3 (7-9), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 4 (10-12), Colour: Janet Landau
Titan: Judge Anderson Book 1
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 01

Page 6 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

2000AD 353

Venus Bluegenes

Judge Dredd

The DNA Man 3 episodes (Progs 113 to 115) 16 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Brett Ewins
Thrill Power: 6.50 (14 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 02
The Complete Judge Dredd 10 (1)
The Complete Judge Dredd 11 (2-3)
Judge Dredd Annual 1988
Eagle: Judge Dredd 29, Colour: John Burns
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 43, Colour: Unknown
Titan: Judge Dredd Rough Justice

Page 4 (Part 2)

Dr. Panic (2000AD Annual 1979) 8 pages
Script: Unknown, Artist: Brett Ewins and Brendan McCarthy
Thrill Power: 5.88 (8 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 03
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Restricted Files Restricted Files 01

Page 1
A3 on board

Page 4
A3 on board. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Non Fiction

Dan Dare the TV Series - Grounded! 1 episode (Prog 197) 3 pages
Script: Unknown, Artist: Brett Ewins, Brendan McCarthy, Brian Bolland
Featuring: Dan Dare, The Mekon
Thrill Power: 5.60 (5 votes)
Article about the delay of the proposed series

Promo page for abortive ATV Dan Dare TV series press kit. Layouts by Brendan McCarthy and Brett Ewins. Board creased. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Judge Dredd

Punks Rule 1 episode (Prog 110) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Brian Bolland
Thrill Power: 8.00 (26 votes)
Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
The Best of 2000AD 50
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 02
The Complete Judge Dredd 10
DC/Rebellion: Judge Death Dredd vs. Death
Titan: Judge Death Classic Judge Dredd
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 1
Titan: Judge Death Judge Dredd featuring Judge Death
Titan: Judge Death Judge Dredd featuring Judge Death
Eagle: Judge Dredd 1, Colour: John Burns

Page 4
Hotshot! On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Nemesis the Warlock

The Gothic Empire (Book 4) 20 episodes (Progs 387 to 406) 94 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Kevin O'Neill (1-2) and Bryan Talbot (3-20)
Thrill Power: 8.68 (56 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 38 (1-13)
The Best of 2000AD 39 (14-20)
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 3
Quality: Spellbinders 01 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 02 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 03 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 04 (9-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 05 (12-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 06 (18-20), Colour: Unknown

Page 4 (Part 14)
Nemesis = Deadlock! On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Rogue Trooper

Mill-Com Memories 5 episodes (Progs 318 to 322) 22 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day, Artist: Cam Kennedy
Thrill Power: 7.69 (16 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 10
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Eye of the Traitor
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Tales of Nu-Earth 2
Titan: Rogue Trooper Book 4

Page 2 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

The V.C.'s

The VCs 32 episodes (Progs 140 to 175) 129 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day, Steve MacManus as Ian Rogan (6), Artist: Mike McMahon (1), Garry Leach (2, 5, 8-9, 14-15, 21-22, 25-26), Cam Kennedy (3-4, 6,-7, 10-13, 16-20, 23-24, 27, John Richardson (28-32)
Thrill Power: 8.54 (54 votes)
Not in Progs 144, 166, 167 and 170.
The Best of 2000AD 30
The Best of 2000AD 31
The Best of 2000AD 32
Titan: The V.C.'s Book 1 (1-15)
Titan: The V.C.'s Book 2 (16-32)
Rebellion: The V.C.'s You're Hit, You're Dead!

Page 1-4 (Part 3)
Complete episode. Cam Kennedy^s first published work for 2000AD. Pages 2&3 on loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 4 (Part 6) £450
Get Everything on an Even Keel


Judge Dredd

Mandroid: Instument of War 12 episodes (Progs 1555 to 1566) 72 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Simon Coleby (1-2), Carl Critchlow (3-12), Colour: Peter Doherty, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Thrill Power: 7.59 (32 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd Mandroid
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Mandroid

Page 6 (Part 6)

Mean Machine

Son of Mean Machine 10 episodes (Megs 2.63 to 2.72) 60 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Carl Critchlow, Colour: Fully Painted
Thrill Power: 7.85 (13 votes)
Classic 2000AD 15

Page 6 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

Destiny's Angels 8 episodes (Progs 281 to 288) 50 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Featuring: Mean Machine, Walter the Wobot, Judge Hershey, Judge McGruder, Fink Angel
Thrill Power: 8.32 (22 votes)
Death of Judge Child in ep. 8. Walter and Maria part company with Dredd. Walter destroyed (later reassembled)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Dredd and the Angel Gang
The Best of 2000AD 47
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 06
The Complete Judge Dredd 27 (1-5)
The Complete Judge Dredd 28 (6-8)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Destiny's Angels
Eagle: Judge Dredd 31 (1-5), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 32 (6-8), Colour: John Burns
Fleetway/Quality: The Law of Dredd 32 (6-8)

Page 3 (Part 7)

Stainless Steel Rat

Stainless Steel Rat 12 episodes (Progs 140 to 151) 70 pages
Script: Harry Harrison (original novel) and Kelvin Gosnell, Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Thrill Power: 8.10 (31 votes)

Page ?
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Strontium Dog

The Stone Killers 13 episodes (Progs 560 to 572) 69 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Featuring: Durham Red, Stix, Middenface McNulty
Thrill Power: 8.24 (29 votes)
Rebellion: Strontium Dog Search/Destroy Agency Files 04
The Best of 2000AD 117

Page 1 (Part 2)

Page 2 (Part 2)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Max Quirxx 2 episodes (Starlord 1 to 2) 10 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Carlos Ezquerra, Letters: Jack Potter
Thrill Power: 8.11 (18 votes)
Rebellion: Strontium Dog Search/Destroy Agency Files 01
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
Titan: Strontium Dog Book 1

Page 3 (Part 1)
From the first appearance of Strontium Dog. Carlos started to colour this page, but it was printed in black and white. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017



Savage Book One: Taking Liberties 10 episodes (Progs 1387 to 1396) 60 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Charlie Adlard, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 7.42 (62 votes)
Rebellion: Invasion Savage: Taking Liberties

Page 5 (Part 9)

Nikolai Dante

Tour of Duty 3 episodes (Progs 1131 to 1133) 20 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Charlie Adlard
Thrill Power: 7.53 (17 votes)
DC/Rebellion: Nikolai Dante The Great Game

Page 10 (Part 2)


Rogue Trooper (Friday)

G.I. Blues 3 episodes (Progs 901 to 903) 19 pages
Script: Mark Millar (1), Steve White (2-3), Artist: Chris Weston, Colour: Gina Hart
Thrill Power: 4.40 (20 votes)
Judge Dredd Megazine 293

Page 1 (Part 1)
Small tear half way down left hand side. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 3 (Part 2)

Nemesis the Warlock

Bride of the Warlock (2000AD Winter Special 1992) 16 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Chris Weston, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Thrill Power: ? (4 votes)
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 3

Page ?


Judge Anderson

Four Dark Judges 12 episodes (Progs 416 to 427) 62 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Brett Ewins (1-7), Cliff Robinson (8-10, 12), Robin Smith (11)
Featuring: Judge Death, The Dark Judges
Thrill Power: 8.49 (76 votes)
Titan: Judge Anderson The Collected Judge Anderson
The Best of 2000AD 53
Titan: Judge Anderson Death's Dark Dimension
DC/Rebellion: Judge Anderson
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 01 (1-6)
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 02 (7-12)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Judge Death Lives!
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 1 (1-3), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 2 (4-6), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 3 (7-9), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 4 (10-12), Colour: Janet Landau
Titan: Judge Anderson Book 1
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 01

Page 5 (Part 8)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

Blood & Duty 2 episodes (Progs 1300 to 1301) 13 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Colin MacNeil, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Vienna Dredd
Thrill Power: 8.32 (74 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd Brothers of the Blood
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection America
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection America

Page 3 (Part 1)


Song of the Surfer 12 episodes (Progs 654 to 665) 83 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Colin MacNeil, Colour: Tim Perkins (1-7), Fully Painted (8-12), Letters: Bambos Georgiou
Thrill Power: 8.70 (138 votes)
First page fully painted. Some artwork retouched (fully painted?) for the GN.
Judge Dredd Megazine 282 (1-4)
Judge Dredd Megazine 283 (5-12)
Fleetway: Chopper Song of the Surfer
Classic 2000AD 7

Page ?
Includes text overlay. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 3 (Part 5)

Judge Dredd

Terror 8 episodes (Progs 1392 to 1399) 49 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Colin MacNeil, Colour: Fully Painted, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Logan
Thrill Power: 8.25 (55 votes)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Total War
Rebellion: Judge Dredd Total War

Page 5 (Part 2)


Fading of the Light 6 episodes (Megs 3.20 to 3.25) 48 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Colin MacNeil, Colour: Alan Craddock
Featuring: Judge Dredd
Thrill Power: 8.09 (22 votes)
Rebellion: America
Titan: America The Complete America
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection America
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection America

Page 8 (Part 2)
Half splash

Judge Dredd

Mechanismo 6 episodes (Megs 2.12 to 2.17) 54 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Colin MacNeil
Featuring: Mechanismo
Thrill Power: 8.57 (35 votes)
Timeline data: 2114
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 18
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Mechanismo
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Mechanismo

Page 6 (Part 6)
Signed by John Wagner and Colin MacNeil


Rogue Trooper

Fear of the Machine 3 episodes (Progs 246 to 248)
Script: Gerry Finley-Day, Artist: Colin Wilson
Thrill Power: 7.70 (20 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 5
DC/Rebellion: Rogue Trooper The Future of War
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Tales of Nu-Earth 1
Titan: Rogue Trooper Book 2
Titan: Rogue Trooper Future War

Page 4 (Part 3)
When Termight Replicas was planning to produce a metal biochip, this page was one of my references. Thanks for parting with it, David!


Dan Dare

Doppelganger 4 episodes (Progs 52 to 55) 17 pages
Script: Chris Lowder, Artist: Dave Gibbons
Thrill Power: 5.45 (11 votes)
Fleetway Quality: Dare the Impossible 01, Colour: Unknown

Page 2 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Harlem Heroes

Harlem Heroes 27 episodes (Progs 1 to 27) 112 pages
Script: Tom Tully (1-27), Pat Mills (1), Artist: Dave Gibbons (1-24), Carlos Trigo (1 page 5), Unknown (22), Massimo Belardinelli (25-27), Letters: Dave Gibbons (1-24), Bill Nuttall (1), Unknown (22), John Aldrich (25), Peter Knight (26-27)
Thrill Power: 7.37 (59 votes)
Timeline data: 2050
2000AD Annual 1983 (1-5)
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-4)
2000AD Extreme Edition 13
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 12 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 13 (3-6), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 14 (7-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 15 (11-14), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 16 (15-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 17 (18-20), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 18 (21-23), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 19 (24-26), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 20 (27), Colour: Unknown
Eagle: Robo-Hunter 1 (1-2?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Robo-Hunter 2 (3-4?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Robo-Hunter 3 (5-6?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Robo-Hunter 4 (7-8?), Colour: John Burns

Page 3 (Part 1)
Fantastic aeroball action. Speech balloons are drawn onto the actual artwork, rather than stuck on. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 1 (Part 16)
Artie Gruber splash. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017





The Tomb of Terror 15 episodes (Progs 447 to 461) 90 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Glenn Fabry (1-2, 12-14) and David Pugh (3-11, 15), Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 7.96 (26 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 36 (1-7)
The Best of 2000AD 37 (8-14)
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 13 (1), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 14 (2-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 15 (5-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 16 (8-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 17 (11-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 18 (14-15), Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine The King

Page 1 (Part 4)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

Judgement Day 6 episodes (Megs 2.04 to 2.09) 54 pages
Script: Garth Ennis, Artist: Dean Ormston (1-3, 5-6) and Chris Halls (4)
Featuring: Judge Joyce, Strontium Dog, Judge Inspector Sadu
Thrill Power: 7.56 (27 votes)
Crossover. 14 episodes in 2000AD.
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 17
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Judgement Day
DC/Rebellion: Judge Dredd Judgement Day

Page 7 (Part 6)
The fist of Dredd strikes again


Caballistics, Inc.

Moving In 3 episodes (Progs 1331 to 1333) 15 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Dom Reardon, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 6.75 (51 votes)
Rebellion: Caballistics, Inc. Going Underground

Page 5 (Part 1)

Page 4 (Part 2)



The Big Meg 8 episodes (Progs 1387 to 1394) 48 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Patrick Goddard (pencils), Dylan Teague (inks), Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Dredd
Thrill Power: 7.26 (54 votes)

Page 3 (Part 2)


Judge Dredd

Day of Chaos: Tea for Two 1 episode (Prog 1785) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Edmund Bagwell, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Featuring: Vienna Dredd
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Day of Chaos: Endgame

Page 2


The Scarlet Apocrypha

Children of the Night 1 episode (Meg 4.15) 8 pages
Script: Dan Abnett, Artist: Enric Romero, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 5.66 (38 votes)
Heresy 4. Features Dracula
Rebellion: Durham Red The Empty Suns

Page 7
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Tharg The Mighty

The Shedding 3 episodes (Progs 283 to 285) 15 pages
Script: Tharg the Mighty, Artist: Eric Bradbury
Thrill Power: 6.09 (11 votes)
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 31, Colour: Unknown

Page 5 (Part 1)

Page 5 (Part 2)


Missionary Man

Bad Moon Rising 6 episodes (Megs 2.50 to 2.55) 42 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Frank Quitely, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Thrill Power: 8.31 (39 votes)
Classic 2000AD 12
Titan: Missionary Man

Page (27) (Part 4)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Death

My Name is Death 6 episodes (Progs 1289 to 1294) 36 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Frazer Irving, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Anderson
Thrill Power: 8.15 (103 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Death My Name is Death

Page ?
Features Death and Anderson. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

Ten Years On 1 episode (Prog 520) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Garry Leach
Featuring: "Whitey" Logan
Thrill Power: 7.27 (22 votes)
Judge Dredd Megazine 233
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10

Page 5



The Tomb of Terror 15 episodes (Progs 447 to 461) 90 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Glenn Fabry (1-2, 12-14) and David Pugh (3-11, 15), Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 7.96 (26 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 36 (1-7)
The Best of 2000AD 37 (8-14)
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 13 (1), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 14 (2-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 15 (5-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 16 (8-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 17 (11-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 18 (14-15), Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine The King

Page 5 (Part 14)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Juliet November

Phoenix Falling 3 episodes (Megs 202 to 204) 24 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Graham Manley, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Featuring: Judge Dredd
Thrill Power: 5.63 (43 votes)

Page 3 £40


Judge Dredd

Babes in Arms 4 episodes (Progs 776 to 779) 38 pages
Script: Garth Ennis, Artist: Greg Staples
Thrill Power: 6.44 (18 votes)
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Babes in Arms
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 17

Page 2 (Part 1)

Page 6 (Part 2) £200

2000AD 1161

On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Name of the Sword 7 episodes (Progs 950 to 956) 43 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Greg Staples
Thrill Power: 7.65 (23 votes)

Page 4 (Part 6) £200 Reserved
Water damage in bottom right corner (or is it intentional?)


Nemesis the Warlock

Book X: The Final Conflict 10 episodes (Progs 1165 to 1173) 60 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Henry Flint (1-9), Kevin O'Neill (10), Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 7.48 (25 votes)
Episode 10 in 2000AD Prog 2000.
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 3

Page 1 (Part 6)
A3. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Deadlock 11 episodes (Progs 1212 to 1222) 55 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Henry Flint
Thrill Power: 7.82 (33 votes)
episodes 1 & 11 double-length
Judge Dredd Megazine 284

Page 3 (Part 10)
Deadlock half page splash

Low Life

Paranoia 10 episodes (Progs 1387 to 1396) 52 pages
Script: Rob Williams, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.98 (56 votes)
New thrill!
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Low Life: Paranoia
Rebellion: Mega-City One Undercover

Page 6 (Part 1)


Shakara 8 episodes (Progs 1273 to 1279) 50 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 7.17 (113 votes)
New thrill. First episode double length in 2000AD Prog 2002. Final episode double length
Rebellion: Shakara
Rebellion: Shakara The Avenger

Page 9 (Part 1)
A3. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


The Day the Zombo Died 10 episodes (Progs 1740 to 1749) 50 pages
Script: Al Ewing, Artist: Henry Flint, Letters: Simon Bowland

Page 5 (Part 4)

Judge Dredd

The Pack 3 episodes (Progs 1014 to 1016) 18 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Henry Flint
Thrill Power: 7.47 (15 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 25
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Hunting Party

Page 5 (Part 1)
Judge Carter ripped to shreds by dune sharks

Megazine 333


Halo Jones

Ballad of Halo Jones: Book 1 10 episodes (Progs 376 to 385) 51 pages
Script: Alan Moore, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 8.63 (171 votes)
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-5)
The Best of 2000AD 40
DC/Rebellion: Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Halo Jones
Quality: Halo Jones 01 (1-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 02 (6-10), Colour: Unknown
Titan: Halo Jones Book 1
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones

Page 2 (Part 2)
Features Ludy

Ballad of Halo Jones: Book 2 10 episodes (Progs 406 to 415) 56 pages
Script: Alan Moore, Artist: Ian Gibson, Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 8.60 (106 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 42
DC/Rebellion: Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Halo Jones
Quality: Halo Jones 03 (1), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 04 (2-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 05 (5-6), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 06 (7-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 07 (9-10), Colour: Unknown
Titan: Halo Jones Book 2
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones

Page 2 (Part 4)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Ballad of Halo Jones: Book 3 15 episodes (Progs 452 to 466) 80 pages
Script: Alan Moore, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 8.66 (161 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 65
The Best of 2000AD 66
DC/Rebellion: Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Halo Jones
Quality: Halo Jones 08 (1), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 09 (2-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 10 (5-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 11 (8-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 12 (12-15), Colour: Unknown
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones
Titan: Halo Jones Book 3

Page 5 (Part 11)
Corporal Jones. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Day of the Droids 23 episodes (Progs 152 to 174) 113 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 8.37 (38 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 75
The Best of 2000AD 76
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 08 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 09 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 10 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 11 (9-12), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 12 (13-16), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 13 (17-19), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 14 (20-23), Colour: Unknown
DC/Rebellion: Robo-Hunter Day of the Droids
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 05 (1-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 06 (5-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 07 (9-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 08 (12-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 09 (14-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 10 (18-20), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 11 (21-23), Colour: Unknown
Titan: Robo-Hunter Book 3
Titan: Robo-Hunter Book 4

Page 5 (Part 12)

Page 2 (Part 19)

Farewell, My Billions 9 episodes (Progs 435 to 443)
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 8.17 (18 votes)
2000AD Extreme Edition 30
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 28 (1-2?), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 29 (3-4?), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 30 (5-6?), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 31 (6-8?), Colour: Unknown

Page ? (Part 3)

Killing of Kidd 7 episodes (Progs 275 to 281) 35 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 8.29 (21 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 12
Rebellion: Robo-Hunter Play it Again, Sam
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 12 (1-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 13 (5-7), Colour: Unknown

Page 1-5 (Part 7)
Logo and credit card discoloured. Complete episode

Judge Dredd

Synthi-Caff Vindilu 1 episode (Prog 191) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Ian Gibson
Featuring: Walter the Wobot
Thrill Power: 6.00 (14 votes)
aka Vindaloo
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
The Complete Judge Dredd 18

Page 3


The Filby Case 7 episodes (Progs 266 to 272) 35 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 7.95 (19 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 11
Rebellion: Robo-Hunter Play it Again, Sam
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 03 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 04 (4-7), Colour: Unknown

Page 1-5 (Part 1)
Complete episode

Page 1-5 (Part 2)
Complete episode

Page 1-5 (Part 3)

Page 1-5 (Part 4)
Complete episode

Page 1-4 (Part 5)
Missing page 5. Pages 2&3 on loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 2-5 (Part 6)
Missing page 1

Page 1-5 (Part 7)
Complete episode

Judge Dredd

The Oxygen Desert 2 episodes (Progs 48 to 49) 13 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Ian Gibson, Letters: Tony Jacob
Thrill Power: 6.25 (12 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 5, Colour: John Burns

Page 1/2 (Part 1)
A2 centre spread

GraphicNovels halo2001

Fantastic page. Originally published as a pin-up in Prog 2001. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Traffic Hazard 1 episode (267, Daily Star 4th October, 1986) 1 pages - Read Online
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Ian Gibson
Thrill Power: 6.38 (34 votes)
Spoof road-rage incident.
Judge Dredd Megazine 204

Page 1



Time Quake 13 episodes (Starlord 1 to 13) 81 pages
Script: Chris Lowder (1-9), I Mennell (10-, Artist: Ian Kennedy (1, 3), John Cooper (2), Magallanes Salinas (5-13), Letters: Peter Knight (1-2, 6-10, 12), Tony Jacob (3), Jack Potter (4-5), Steve Potter (11)
Thrill Power: 7.77 (13 votes)

Page 3 (Part 1)


Judge Dredd

48 Hours: A Two-Day Story 6 episodes (Judge Dredd 4 to 9) 144 pages
Script: Andrew Helfer, Artist: Mike Avon Oeming (pencils 1-2), Doug Selogy (1-6). J.H. Williams III (pencils 2-6), Dev Madan (2), Adam Rex (2), Steve Montano (2), Cesar Lobo (3-4), Randy Green (6), Jimmy Palmiotti (6)
Episiode 3 titled Malice in Wonderland

Page 15 (Part 6)


USReprints mps29


2000AD 979


Pencils on A4 paper. Jason did this


Oz 26 episodes (Progs 545 to 570) 199 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Cliff Robinson (1), Jim Baikie (2, 25-26), Garry Leach/Will Simpson/Dave Elliott as K.Edwards (3-4), Brendan McCarthy (5, 7-8, 14-16), Will Simpson (6, 11-12, 17-19), Steve Dillon (9-10), Barry Kitson (13, 22-24) and John Higgins (20-21).
Featuring: Chopper, Kraken, Judge Fargo, Judge Bruce
Thrill Power: 8.48 (54 votes)
Return of Chopper. First appearance of the Judda. K. Edwards = King Edwards = Spud
Timeline data: 2109
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 11
Classic Judge Dredd 15 (1-7)
Classic Judge Dredd 16 (8-14)
Classic Judge Dredd 17 (15-21)
Classic Judge Dredd 18 (22-26)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Oz
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Dredd in Oz
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 1 (1-10)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 2 (11-20)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 3 (21-26)

Page 3 (Part 2)



Finn Book 2 10 episodes (Progs 807 to 816) 60 pages
Script: Pat Mills/Tony Skinner, Artist: Jim Elston, Kevin Wicks, Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 6.94 (17 votes)
Judge Dredd Megazine 361

Page 1 (Part 1)
Opening splash. Slightly creased at the top


Judge Dredd

Crossing Ken Dodd 1 episode (Prog 1214) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Jock, Colour: Chris Blythe
Thrill Power: 7.62 (13 votes)
The six judges helping the tax officer across were based on the Elevator Suite, the band I was playing with at the time. Judges Grainger, Roberts, Childs, Moore and Simpson are all in of which is me. And you see a Judge Baker standing outside 'Head-on'- our management company. - Jock
Judge Dredd Megazine 275

Page 5
Features some great background detail, plus a Justice Dept vehicle

Rampots 1 episode (Prog 1231)
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Jock, Colour: Chris Blythe
Thrill Power: 7.23 (13 votes)
A citizen with the badge 'I am Dave Stone' can be seen doing the "I'm A Tiger!" stance....this is based on a situation involving the man at a convention. - Jock
Judge Dredd Megazine 275

Page 3
Featured on the French special edition Judge Dredd DVD. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Lenny Zero

Dead Zero 2 episodes (Megs 4.01 to 4.02) 20 pages
Script: Andy Diggle, Artist: Jock, Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Dredd
Thrill Power: 7.66 (35 votes)
Rebellion: Mega-City One Undercover

Page 9 (Part 2)


Nikolai Dante

Agent of Destruction 9 episodes (Progs 1420 to 1427) 60 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: John Burns, Colour: Fully Painted, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Thrill Power: 7.33 (48 votes)
First episode double length in 2000AD Prog 2005.
Rebellion: Nikolai Dante Hell and High Water

Page 3-4 (Part 1)
Fantastic A2 DPS, which looks more like a page of fine art than part of a story. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

2000AD 1533


Judge Dredd

Tour of Duty: The Talented Mayor Ambrose 13 episodes (Progs 1674 to 1686) 78 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: John Higgins (1-5, 11, 12), Colin MacNeil (6-10), Mike Collins (13), Colour: J.H. & S.J. Hurst (1-5, 11, 12), Chris Blythe (6-10), Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Featuring: PJ Maybe, The Streets of Dan Francisco, Judge Rico, Judge Logan, Judge Sinfield, Judge Beeny

Page 2 (Part 3)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Nemesis the Warlock

Deathbringer (Book 9) 12 episodes (Progs 586 to 608) 61 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: John Hicklenton, Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 7.06 (33 votes)
Not in Progs 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604.
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 3
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 9

Page ? (Part 4)
Water damaged. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017



Junker Part 1 9 episodes (Progs 708 to 716) 55 pages
Script: Michael Fleisher, Artist: John Ridgway, Colour: Tim Perkins
Thrill Power: 2.70 (69 votes)

Page 7 (Part 6)

The Dead Man

The Dead Man 13 episodes (Progs 650 to 662) 81 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: John Ridgway, Letters: Jack Potter
Featuring: Judge Dredd, Yassa Povey
Thrill Power: 8.66 (67 votes)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Dead Man
Rebellion: Judge Dredd Tales of the Dead Man
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Dead Man

Page 5 (Part 5)
Board larger than A2. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Calhab Justice

Calhab Justice 4 episodes (Megs 2.10 to 2.13) 29 pages
Script: Jim Alexander, Artist: John Ridgway
Thrill Power: 5.77 (13 votes)
Judge Dredd Megazine 352

Page 7 (Part 4)
Final page


Nemesis the Warlock

The World of Nemesis (Book 3) 15 episodes (Progs 335 to 349) 71 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Kevin O'Neill, Letters: Steve Potter
Thrill Power: 8.63 (57 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 44
The Best of 2000AD 45 (15)
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Nemesis: The Beginning
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 2

Page 4 (Part 13)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Anderson

Childhood's End 8 episodes (Megs 2.27 to 2.34) 63 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Kevin Walker, Colour: Fully Painted, Letters: Steve Potter
Featuring: Orlok the Assassin, Judge Dredd
Thrill Power: 8.44 (43 votes)
Hamlyn: Judge Anderson Childhood's End
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Psi-Judge Anderson: Childhood^s End
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 02

Page 8 (Part 2)
Explosion splash

Page 6 (Part 4)
Unfinished version

Page 8 (Part 8)
The penultimate page where Anderson resigns, and the only one featuring Dredd. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 9 (Part 8)
The final page of this excellent Anderson story. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017



Bison 9 episodes (Progs 1301 to 1309) 45 pages
Script: Colin Clayton/Chris Dows, Artist: Laurence Campbell/Lee Townsend, Colour: Gary Caldwell, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 4.92 (109 votes)
New thrill.
Rebellion: Bison

Page 3 (Part 5)

Breathing Space

Breathing Space 9 episodes (Progs 1451 to 1459) 47 pages
Script: Rob Williams, Artist: Peter Doherty (1-2), Laurence Campbell (pencils 3-9), Lee Townsend (inks 3-9), Colour: Peter Doherty, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.91 (33 votes)
New Thrill! Set on LUNA-1
Judge Dredd Megazine 294

Page 1 (Part 6)
This page stood out for me when I quickly looked through the artwork at Bristol, trying not to spoil the story for me. It was still my favourite when I looked again at DreddCon:6. Thanks Laurence!


Facing Mecha 9 episodes (Progs 1362 to 1370) 46 pages
Script: Colin Clayton/Chris Dows, Artist: Laurence Campbell (pencils), Lee Townsend (inks), Colour: Gary Caldwell, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 4.88 (80 votes)
New thrill!
Judge Dredd Megazine 368

Page 4 (Part 1)


Judge Dredd

War Crimes 1 episode (Meg 201) 12 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Lee Sullivan, Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 8.34 (35 votes)
Features cameos of Message Boarders Wakefield Morys-Carter, DavidXBrunt and ukdane

Page 1

Page 2

Page 4 £50
Features Judge Brunt


2000AD 1078

Top half of figure on A4 paper

2000AD 1078

Strontium Dogs

High Moon 8 episodes (Progs 940 to 947) 48 pages
Script: Peter Hogan, Artist: Mark Harrison
Featuring: The Gronk, Durham Red
Thrill Power: 7.05 (19 votes)

Page 5 (Part 3)
Durham Red in her new outfit. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Durham Red

Ghosts (2000AD Winter Special 1994)
Script: Peter Hogan, Artist: Mark Harrison
Thrill Power: 8.17 (6 votes)
The Best of 2000AD Special Edition 2000

Page 6


Judge Anderson

Voyage of the Seeker 1 episode (Meg 2.37) 6 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Mark Wilkinson
Thrill Power: 5.17 (12 votes)
Poster story
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Psi-Judge Anderson: Childhood^s End
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 02

Page 3


Harlem Heroes

Inferno 40 episodes (Progs 36 to 75) 183 pages
Script: Tom Tully, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 5.67 (21 votes)

Page 5 (Part 1)

Ace Trucking

Ace Trucking Co 5 episodes (Progs 232 to 236) 25 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Featuring: The Kleggs
Thrill Power: 8.53 (34 votes)
Rebellion: Ace Trucking Volume 1
The Best of 2000AD 54
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 21 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 22 (3-4), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 23 (5), Colour: Unknown

Page 2 (Part 3)
Nearly a perfect page, featuring both Ace himself and the Speedo Ghost.


Blackhawk 34 episodes (Progs 127 to 161) 152 pages
Script: Alan Grant/Kelvin Gosnell as Alvin Gaunt (1), Alan Grant (2-34), Artist: Massimo Belardinelli, Ramon Sola (5, 16, 17), Joe Staton (6), Greg Guler (17 - prog 144)
Thrill Power: 6.94 (31 votes)
Not in Prog 129
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 04 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 05 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 06 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 07 (9-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 08 (11-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 09 (14), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 10 (15-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 11 (18-20), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 12 (21-23), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 13 (24-26), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 14 (27-29), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 15 (30-32), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 16 (33-34), Colour: Unknown

Page 4 (Part 3)

Dan Dare

Dan Dare 11 episodes (Progs 1 to 11) 55 pages
Script: Ken Armstrong (1), Pat Mills (1), and Kelvin Gosnell (2-11), Artist: Massimo Belardinelli, Letters: Bill Nuttall (1-2, 5), Jack Potter (3-10), Peter Knight (9-11)
Thrill Power: 7.07 (58 votes)

Page 1 (Part 4)
DPS. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 3 (Part 4)

Page 4 (Part 4)
First view of the biog mother

Hollow World 12 episodes (Progs 12 to 23) 65 pages
Script: Steve Moore, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli, Letters: Peter Knight (1, 3-7, 9-10), John Aldrich (1, 5, 11-12), Bill Nuttall (2, 10), J. Swain (3), Tony Jacob (6), Jack Potter (8-9), Tom Frame (8)
Featuring: The Mekon
Thrill Power: 5.75 (20 votes)

Page 1/2 (Part 1)
Somewhat damaged with missing logos. This double spread is unusual since it is in portrait format. It also appeared in the Dan Dare poster magazine. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Page 5 (Part 11)


The Beast in the Broch 4 episodes (Progs 331 to 334) 25 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Massimo Belardinelli
Thrill Power: 7.91 (22 votes)
The Best of 2000AD 19
DC/Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Quality: Spellbinders 01, Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn

Page 4 (Part 3)


2000AD 816

Judge Anderson

Judge Corey - Leviathan's Farewell (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1989) 8 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Mick Austin, Letters: Gordon Robson
Featuring: Judge Corey
Thrill Power: 8.75 (8 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 01

Page 1-8
Complete story including original script


Judge Dredd

Gorilla/z 1 episode (Prog 1568) 6 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Mike Collins (pencils), Cliff Robinson (inks), Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Thrill Power: 5.47 (17 votes)

Page 1

The Stookie War! 42 episodes (1514 to 1555, Daily Star 12th January, 1991 to 1st March, 1991) 42 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Mike Collins

Page 1521


The Judge Child 26 episodes (Progs 156 to 181) 163 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Brian Bolland (1, 7, 17-18), Ron Smith (2-4, 9-10, 12-14, 19-20, 24-26), Mike McMahon (5-6, 8, 11, 15-16, 21-23), Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Hershey, Mean Machine, The Angel Gang
Thrill Power: 8.61 (64 votes)
Alan Grant begins as co-scripter.
Timeline data: 2102
Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of (1-5)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 1 (1-5?), Colour: Mike McMahon
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 2 (6-10?), Colour: Ian Stead
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 3 (11-15?), Colour: Ian Stead
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 4 (16-20?), Colour: Ian Stead
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 5 (20-25?), Colour: Ian Stead
The Complete Judge Dredd 14 (1-3)
The Complete Judge Dredd 15 (4-13)
The Complete Judge Dredd 16 (14-22)
The Complete Judge Dredd 17 (23-26)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Child Quest
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 1 (1-9)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 2 (10-18)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child Quest
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 3 (19-26)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child Quest

Page 7 (Part 16)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017



The Final Encounter 4 episodes (Progs 61 to 64) 25 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Montero
Thrill Power: 6.60 (10 votes)
2000AD Extreme Edition 9

Page 6 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

Goodnight Kiss 9 episodes (Progs 940 to 948) 54 pages
Script: Garth Ennis, Artist: Nick Percival
Thrill Power: 7.22 (27 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 23
Titan: Judge Dredd Goodnight Kiss
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Target: Judge Dredd

Page 5 (Part 1)
No lettering acetate


King of Hearts 7 episodes (Progs 1033 to 1039) 45 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Nick Percival, Colour: Fully Painted
Thrill Power: 6.80 (20 votes)
This story was originally going to be published as a one-off Slaine special

Page 2 (Part 4)
Painted at A4 size due to approaching deadlines. Won in a facebook charity auction

Page 6 (Part 5)

Brit-Cit Brute

Brit-Cit Brute 3 episodes (Megs 2.31 to 2.33) 18 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Nick Percival
Thrill Power: 3.44 (9 votes)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Heavy Mob

Page ?
Was this a pin-up?


2000AD 937
£250 Reserved
Horizontal crease across centre

Specials STRONTP1

Foreground is painted onto separate piece of card


Judge Dredd

The Edgar Case 7 episodes (Progs 1589 to 1595) 42 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Patrick Goddard (pencils), Lee Townsend (inks), Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Featuring: Judge Edgar
Thrill Power: ? (1 votes)

Page 2 (Part 5) To trade

Page 3 (Part 6)

Judge Anderson

Cadet Anderson: Big Girls Don't Cry (2000AD Prog 2011) 6 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Patrick Goddard, Colour: Chris Blythe, Letters: Ellie De Ville

Page 6


Judge Dredd

Wounded Heart 1 episode (Prog 1121) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Paul Marshall
Thrill Power: 6.73 (11 votes)

Page 3


House of Pain 6 episodes (Progs 1485 to 1490) 36 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Ian Richardson (1-3, 6), Paul J Holden (4-5), Colour: Chris Blythe (1-3, 5-6), Eva De La Cruz (4), Letters: Tom Frame (1-4), Annie Parkhouse (5-6)
Featuring: Judge Guthrie, Judge Hershey
Thrill Power: 7.06 (31 votes)

Page 1 (Part 5)

Rogue Trooper

Realpolitik 6 episodes (Progs 1380 to 1385) 30 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Paul J Holden, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 6.51 (63 votes)
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Realpolitik

Page 5 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017



The Promised Land 11 episodes (Progs 1567 to 1576) 70 pages
Script: Dan Abnett, Artist: Richard Elson, Letters: Simon Bowland
Thrill Power: 7.76 (38 votes)
First episode double length in 2000AD Prog 2008.
Rebellion: Kingdom The Promised Land

Page 6 (Part 9)


Judge Dredd

Birdland 2 episodes (Judge Dredd 16 to 17) 44 pages
Script: Priest, Artist: Rik Levins/Doug Selogy
Part 2 titled Dead Zones

Page 8 (Part 1)


The Solar Sniper 1 episode (Prog 21) 5 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day, Artist: Ron Turner, Letters: Jack Potter
Thrill Power: 4.88 (16 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 3, Colour: John Burns

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My earliest Dredd page featuring Judge Carter being fried to a crisp!


A Guide To Mega-Speak 1 episode (Prog 899) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Ron Smith, Colour: Dondie Cox, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.19 (16 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 21

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Colour page. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

Dredd Angel 7 episodes (Progs 377 to 383) 40 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Ron Smith
Featuring: Mean Machine, Judge Rico (as a baby clone), Judge Fargo
Thrill Power: 7.59 (22 votes)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Dredd and the Angel Gang
The Best of 2000AD 62
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 08
The Complete Judge Dredd 37 (1-3)
The Complete Judge Dredd 38 (4-7)
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 12
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 18 (1-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 19 (6-7), Colour: Unknown

Page 6 (Part 1)
Features Judge Fargo (John Wagner cameo) as well as a clone Judge Rico

Question of Judgement 1 episode (Prog 387) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Ron Smith
Thrill Power: 8.52 (21 votes)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 08
The Complete Judge Dredd 38
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Hall of Justice
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 10

Page 6
Dredd is almost smiling in the final frame.

The Invisible Man 2 episodes (Progs 134 to 135) 12 pages
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Ron Smith
Thrill Power: 7.65 (17 votes)
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly 4 (1-2?), Colour: John Burns
The Best of 2000AD 8
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 03
The Complete Judge Dredd 12 (1)
The Complete Judge Dredd 13 (2)
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Future Crime
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 5
Quality: Time Twisters 13, Colour: Unknown

Page 6 (Part 1)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Megazine 3.13


Sinister Dexter

Gunshark Vacation 8 episodes (Progs 1024 to 1031) 48 pages
Script: Dan Abnett, Artist: Simon Davis
Thrill Power: 7.15 (20 votes)
DC/Rebellion: Sinister Dexter Gunshark Vacation
Hamlyn: Sinister Dexter Gun Lovin' Criminals

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The Man in the Ion Mask 4 episodes (Progs 1223 to 1226)
Script: Dan Abnett, Artist: Simon Davis
Thrill Power: 4.93 (14 votes)

Page 3 (Part 2)

Black Siddha

Bad Karma 7 episodes (Megs 202 to 208) 46 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Simon Davis, Colour: Fully Painted, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.36 (64 votes)
New thrill
Judge Dredd Megazine 339

Page 1 (Part 3)

Missionary Man

The Big Sleazy 3 episodes (Megs 3.18 to 3.20) 29 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie, Artist: Simon Davis
Thrill Power: 7.29 (7 votes)

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Includes text overlay


Nikolai Dante

Battleship Potemkin 8 episodes (Progs 1213 to 1220) 48 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Simon Fraser, Colour: Gary Caldwell
Thrill Power: 8.59 (22 votes)
Book Three Of 'Tsar Wars'
Rebellion: Nikolai Dante Tsar Wars - Volume 1

Page 2 (Part 2) To trade

Page 5 (Part 4) To trade

Page 6 (Part 4) To trade

Page 1 (Part 6) To trade

The Cadre Infernale 4 episodes (Progs 1134 to 1137) 20 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Simon Fraser, Colour: Gary Caldwell
Thrill Power: 7.44 (18 votes)
DC/Rebellion: Nikolai Dante The Great Game

Page 5 (Part 3)
On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017

The Romanov Dynasty 8 episodes (Progs 1042 to 1049) 48 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison, Artist: Simon Fraser, Colour: Alison Kirkpatrick
Thrill Power: 8.54 (24 votes)
Hamlyn: Nikolai Dante The Romanov Dynasty
DC/Rebellion: Nikolai Dante The Romanov Dynasty

Page 5 (Part 2)

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Bradley Meets Jason Donovan (almost) 1 episode (Prog 661) 4 pages
Script: Alan McKenzie, Artist: Simon Harrison
Thrill Power: 3.53 (19 votes)

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On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


A.B.C. Warriors

The Black Hole 21 episodes (Progs 555 to 581) 133 pages
Script: Pat Mills, Artist: Simon Bisley (1-4, 9-12, 17-21) and SMS (5-8, 13-16), Letters: Jack Potter
Thrill Power: 8.59 (58 votes)
Not in Progs 567, 568, 569, 570, 571 and 572.
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 3 (1-10?)
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 4 (11?-21)
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors The Black Hole
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 04 (1-2)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 05 (3-7)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 06 (8-11)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 07 (12-16)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 08 (17-21)
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors The Black Hole
The Best of 2000AD 103 (1-10)
The Best of 2000AD 104 (11-20)
The Best of 2000AD 105 (21)
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Black Hole

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On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Judge Dredd

City of the Damned 14 episodes (Progs 393 to 406) 93 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant, Artist: Steve Dillon (1, 5-7, 12-13)/Ron Smith (2-3, 10, 14)/Kim Raymond (4, 11)/Ian Gibson (8-9)
Featuring: Judge Anderson
Thrill Power: 8.41 (39 votes)
Timeline data: 2106
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 08
The Complete Judge Dredd 39 (1-6)
The Complete Judge Dredd 40 (7-14)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics City of the Damned
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 12 (1)
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 13 (2-5)
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 14 (6-10)
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 15 (11-14)
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 15 (1-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 16 (6-9), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 17 (10-13), Colour: Unknown

Page 6 (Part 6)
Features Anderson. On loan to The Cartoon Museum, London 25th January - 23 April 2017


Bec & Kawl

Enlightenment 1 episode (Prog 1327) 5 pages
Script: Simon Spurrier, Artist: Steve Roberts, Colour: Richard Elson, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 5.89 (47 votes)
Rebellion: Bec & Kawl Bloody Students

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The Truth


Judge Anderson

Wonderwall 5 episodes (Progs 1045 to 1049) 30 pages
Script: Alan Grant, Artist: Steve Sampson
Thrill Power: 6.64 (14 votes)

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Judge Dredd

Heist 2 episodes (Progs 1480 to 1481) 12 pages
Script: Ian Edginton, Artist: Steve Yeowell, Letters: Tom Frame
Thrill Power: 5.50 (20 votes)

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The Red Seas

Underworld 9 episodes (Progs 1460 to 1468) 60 pages
Script: Ian Edginton, Artist: Steve Yeowell, Letters: Ellie De Ville
Thrill Power: 6.46 (37 votes)
Episodes 1, 8 and 9 double length.

Page 1 (Part 2)



1995 Edge Entertainment Judge Dredd : The Movie #79 Rico


Captain Klep

To the End of Time...and back! 5 episodes (Progs 150 to 155) 5 pages
Script: Dave Angus, Artist: Unknown
Thrill Power: 3.71 (7 votes)
Not in Prog 154

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