DEATH LIVESSS AGAIN!To coincide with the release of Rebellion's stunning new first-person shooter game for PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube featuring Mega-City One's hardest lawman and his twisted arch-nemesis, in Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death, 2000 AD will be publishing a terrifying 112-page Dredd Vs. Death special on 10 September. This special will be the first of 2000 AD's Extreme Editions, an ongoing quarterly series of newsstand specials, each issue of which will be dedicated to a particular theme or 2000 AD character, and will feature a host of never reprinted and hard-to-find classics from 2000 AD's history, plus editorial features, character histories and tons of other material. The thrill-packed Dredd Vs. Death Extreme Edition will be packed with fan favourite stories featuring the pernicious Dark Judges, leading off with the 42-page 'Dead Reckoning', by Dredd creator John Wagner and artist Greg Staples, a story that has never been reprinted since its first appearance in 2000 AD. Other never reprinted stories in the special include 'Judge Death: The True Story', by Wagner and veteran 2000 AD artist Ian Gibson, 'Behold the Beast' (which first appeared in the 1983 Judge Dredd Annual) by Wagner and original designer of Dredd, Carlos Ezquerra, and 'Theatre of Death' by Wagner and Ron Smith, which was the first 'version' of how Judge Silver died at the hands of Judge Death. The Dredd Vs. Death Extreme Edition also contains an in-depth feature on the history of Judge Death and the Dark Judges, plus an exclusive extract from the forthcoming novelisation of the game Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death, written by Gordon Rennie and published by Black Flame. The cover for the Dredd Vs. Death Extreme Edition will be a stunning new wraparound cover image by hot artist Jock. 2000 AD Extreme Editions, Issue 1: Dredd Vs. Death (ISSN 1741-3915) will be on sale from 10 September, priced £2.99 from all good newsagents and comic shops, and future editions will be published quarterly. EXTREME SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscribers can add 2000 AD Extreme Editions, Issue 1: Dredd Vs. Death, to their existing subscription order at a the special rate of £2.49 UK, £4.00 Europe, £5.00 World. Future Extreme Editions can then be added to their subscription from Issue 2 onwards for quarterly delivery as each new issue is published. Monthly credit card subscribers will have their cards debited £3.49 UK , £4.95 Europe, and £5.95 World for each issue. For Annual Subscribers, a payment of £11.96 UK, £17.84 Europe, £22.80 World, will cover quarterly issues 2 to 5 inclusive. All subscriptions for Extreme Editions must be requested. Information Letters are being mailed to all current subscribers. When subscribers receive the letters, they should return them with their instructions, or click HERE to add their instructions via the website.