by Unknown (Art by Unknown) This version of "Top Trumps" appeared on the back pages of progs 46 to 51. Each download is about 650k.
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by Unknown (Art by Unknown) This version of battleships was given as a free gift with Starlord number 3.
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Ro-Jaws' Robo-Race Game
by Unknown (Art by Unknown) A simple board game
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Psi Test
by Robin Lees (Art by Various) Test your powers of precognition with this Justice Department approved ability test.
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Paper Model Dredd
by Darren Ford (Art by Darren Ford) I made this paper model for my desktop and thought some of you may like one too.
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Klondike Card Sets
by Lee Robson (Art by Various) You can download Klondike - free - from or Once it's installed, just copy the unzipped .RKP file into the same folder as the game (just for ease, more than anything) and you're off. The additional files are sets for ABC Warriors, Judge Dredd and Nemesis. The card sets can also be used with Amiga Solitaire.
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Hell Planet
by Pat Mills (Art by Unknown) This board game appeared in the pages of Starlord, and is very playable. Unfortunately, some of the board couldn't be scanned without damaging the comics.
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Gronk pattern
by Unknown (Art by Unknown) This sewing pattern was available via a sendaway offer in Woman's Realm.
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Unamerican Graffiti
by Ed Carter (Art by Ron Smith) A board game for 2 players. Can you reach the Statue of Judgement and make your mark?
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by Pat Mills (Art by Anthony Jozwiak) This card game was presented as a free cutout with progs 8-11. Each download is around 850K. You can see lower quality images in the Prog Zone.
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Cursed Earth Game
by Unknown (Art by Mike McMahon) This board game was presented as a free cutout with progs 75-80. Each download is around 500K.
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Block War!
by Paul Scott (Art by Various) A fast and furious game of Block warfare in mega-city 1! 2-4 players, ages juve to eldster, playing time approx. 2 hours
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Baptism of Fire
by Hugh Tynan An introductory scenario for the new Judge Dredd d20 RPG
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