EUSTACE FARGO (2031-2051)
SOLOMON (2051-2058)
Murdered by Cal's SJS Judges during
The Day the Law Died.
CAL (2101-2101)
GRIFFIN (2101-2104)
Former Judge-Tutor, Griffin became Chief Judge during
The Day the Law Died. Assassinated by Dredd during The Apocalypse War.
HILDA McGRUDER (2104-2109)
The only council member to survive The Apocalypse War.
Resigns in The Warlord after one of her mistakes costs the life of Psi Chief Omar and takes the Long Walk in
A Chief Judge Resigns.
THOMAS SILVER (2109-2112)
Turned into a zombie by Death during Necropolis, and finally killed by Dredd
in Return of the King.
HILDA McGRUDER (2112-2116)
Reinstated after Necropolis. Resigns in Wilderlands after a Mechanismo
robot tries to kill her. Dies on a final Hotdog Run in
Death of a Legend.
HADRIAN VOLT (2116-2121)
Won the election in The Candidates, standing against Dredd, Hershey and Herriman.
Committed suicide at the end of Doomsday but the footage was altered by the justice department in Volt Face so that he appeared to die a heroic death.