Darkie's Mob © 2002 Egmont Magazines Ltd.
Following a huge resurgence of interest in classic British war comics of
the 1970s, the Judge Dredd Megazine has struck a deal with Egmont
Magazines Ltd to republish the best of Battle Picture Weekly - beginning
with the brutal and brilliant Darkie's Mob.
Written by Judge Dredd co-creator John Wagner and illustrated by the
legendary Mike Western, Darkie's Mob tells the tale of the mysterious
Captain Joe Darkie, who leads a rag-tag bunch of British soldiers behind
Japanese lines in Burma in the Second World War, transforming them into
a terrifying guerrilla force. First published in 1976-77, and unseen for
over 20 years, Darkie's Mob returns in Judge Dredd Megazine 202, on sale
15 January 2003.
"British war comics seem to be going through something of a
renaissance," says Megazine editor Alan Barnes, "and Darkie's Mob is one
of the very best - intensely dramatic, beautifully illustrated and in
places amazingly violent! We will be making a few minor cuts to the
racial language, though. Some of what passed by without comment 27 years
ago just isn't acceptable these days!"
If Darkie's Mob proves a hit, the Megazine hopes to showcase other
Battle strips in future, such as Pat Mills' and Joe Colquhoun's epic
Charley's War.
Also coming to the Megazine in 2003: David Bishop follows up his
highly-acclaimed series of Thrill-Power Overload! features chronicling
the behind-the-scenes story of 2000 AD with a series profiling the
heyday of the British war strip!