Wardog 10 episodes (Megs 4.01 to 4.10) 84 pages
Script: Dan Abnett,
Artist: Patrick Goddard (pencils), Dylan Teague (inks),
Colour: Richard Elson,
Letters: David Bishop
This story is prequel to a Wardog game by Rebellion. For more information click here
Reprinted Rebellion: Wardog
STARRING Jack Wardog
STATUS Wardog is an ex-criminal, mind-wiped mercenary hired out to the warring feudal enclaves of a future Earth. A bomb in his head ensures total loyalty; the timer embedded in his forehead counting down when he receives orders from his Controller - if it reaches zero the bomb detonates.
NOTES The Megazine Wardog strip is a prequel to a Wardog game and is based on the characters and world developed for the game.
The Wardog strip is being written by Dan Abnett (Durham Red, Sinister Dexter), pencilled by Patrick Goddard (Judge Dredd), inked by Dylan Teague (Judge Dredd) and coloured by Richard Elson (Judge Dredd, Sonic the Comic).
A Wardog 3D RPG (Role Playing Game) is coming to the PC and Xbox in 2002. Find out more at www.rebellion.co.uk/games-wardog-index.html