CABALCreators: John Freeman & Adrian Salmon2 episodes: 1995 Cabal was a two-part follow-up to the Karyn: Psi Division stories by John Freeman and Adrian Salmon, showing the disbanding of Psi Division's exorcist judges. Reprinted? This series has never been reprinted. You'll need the original Megs. |
Cabal, 2 episodes [12 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.3 #7-8 (Oct. 1995). Story by John Freeman, art by Adrian Salmon. | |||||
CABALLISTICS, INC.Creators: Gordon Rennie & Dom Reardon57 episodes: 2002-2007
A millionaire contracts the services of two freelance ghosthunters named Lawrence Verse and Hannah Chapter and hooks them up with the redundant employees of the British government's Q Department. Operating from the haunted mansion of a deceased Satanist, Caballistics Inc. is assigned to protect England from the paranormal and unexplained. This is a remarkably good series, the best new one to come along in ages. If Hammer made this as a movie in 1969, it would have been the greatest film ever. Reprinted? Most of the episodes have been compiled in a pair of books from Rebellion. The series is currently on a lengthy hiatus while Gordon Rennie works for other employers, leaving nine episodes uncollected. |
Going Underground, 6 episodes [32 pgs], 2000 AD "Prog 2003" & 1322-1326 (Dec. 2002 to Feb. 2003). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon.
Moving In, 3 episodes [15 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1331-1333 (Mar. 2003). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon. Breaking Out, 4 episodes [20 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1337-1340 (Apr. to May 2003). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon. Chapter, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1363 (Oct. 2003). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon. Verse, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1364 (Oct. 2003). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon. Ness, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1365 (Nov. 2003). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Jonathan & Jennifer, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1366 (Nov. 2003). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Ravne, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1367 (Nov. 2003). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Kostabi, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1368 (Nov. 2003). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Krystalnacht, 1 episode [10 pgs], 2000 AD "Prog 2004" (Dec. 2003). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Picking up the Pieces, 1 episode [5 pgs], 2000 AD prog 1400 (July 2004). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Creepshow, 8 episodes [40 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1401-1408 (Aug. to Sep. 2004). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Weird War Tales, 1 episode [10 pgs], 2000 AD "Prog 2005" (Dec. 2004). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Safe House, 5 episodes [25 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1420-1424 (Jan. to Feb. 2005). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Northern Dark, 6 episodes [30 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1443-1448 (June to July 2005). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Strange Bedfellows, 1 episode [10 pgs], 2000 AD "Prog 2006" (Dec. 2005). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Changelings, 6 episodes [30 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1469-1474 (Jan. to Feb. 2006). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. Ashes, 8 episodes [40 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1551-1558 (Aug. to Oct. 2007). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. The Nativity, 1 episode [10 pgs], 2000 AD "Prog 2008" (Dec. 2007). Story by Rennie, art by Reardon. | |||||
REBELLION REPRINTSVolume One: Going Underground (2/06). Reprints "Going Underground," "Moving In," "Breaking Out," "Chapter," "Verse," "Ness," "Jonathan & Jennifer," "Ravne" and "Kostabi." Volume Two: Creepshow (1/07). Reprints "Krystalnacht," "Picking up the Pieces," "Creepshow," "Weird War Tales," "Safe House," "Northern Dark," "Strange Bedfellows" and "Changelings." | |||||
CALHAB JUSTICECreators: Jim Alexander & John Ridgway24 episodes: 1992-95 Calhab, formerly Scotland, is the site of decades of nuclear waste dumping. Its most famous investigator is tough guy Judge Ed MacBrayne, and it is set against a backdrop of militant nationalism, psychic powers and a looming civil war against Brit-Cit. This crossed over with Brit-Cit Brute in the later runs, but lost a lot of its initial popularity with readers as it indulged in a seemingly incoherent plot about a Scottish psi-judge with cosmic powers and a big grudge. Reprinted? This series has not been collected. You'll need the original Megs. |
Calhab Justice, 4 episodes [29 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #10-13 (Sep. to Oct. 1992). Story by Jim Alexander, art by John Ridgway.
Hogmanay, 1 episode [7 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #18 (Dec. 1992). Story by Jim Alexander, art by John Ridgway. Dounreay, 3 episodes [21 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #31-33 (Jun. to Aug. 1993). Story by Jim Alexander, art by "LOL." The Quota, 1 episode [? pgs], 1993 Judge Dredd Mega Special #6 (June 1993). Story by Alexander, art by "LOL" Casualty, 1 episode [8 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #44 (Dec. 1993). Story by Alexander, art by "LOL." Unfinished Business, 5 episodes [38 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #45-49 (Jan. to Mar. 1994). Story by Alexander, art by "LOL." The Mega Cup, 1 episode [? pgs], 1995 Judge Dredd Yearbook (Sep. 1994). Story by Alexander, art by Bill Naylor. McTash, 1 episode [8 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #63 (Sep. 1994). Story by Alexander, art by Colin MacNeil. Family Snapshot, 3 episodes [24 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #64-66 (Oct. to Nov. 1994). Story by Alexander, art by John Ridgway. False Dawn, 6 episodes [48 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #67-72 (Nov. 1994 to Feb. 1995). Story by Alexander, art by Kevin Cullen. | |||||
CANON FODDERCreators: Mark Millar & Chris Weston15 episodes: 1993, 1996
Mark Millar is often disparaged for his work in 2000 AD, but every once in a while he came up with a popular effort like this one. Shortly after the Rapture, the millions of risen dead realize God isn't coming back to get them. Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty conclude a lovers' suicide pact to get to Heaven to find answers. Watson, Mycroft and Canon Fodder, last of the Priest Patrol, take a back door to get there first. The first series is somewhat engaging, with more than a hint of Indigo Prime in both the high-concept script and the art by Weston. Series two was even better, even while it lacked the shocking and bizarre style of the first, as it developed the characters and played with amusing rivalries and jealousies among the newly reincarnated. The writer "Kek-W" was similarly asked to follow up another Millar series, The Grudge-Father, with a second run, although he was not as successful there. Top moment: The surprising appearance of God, eight miles high, multi-armed and carrying an electric guitar. Reprinted? Millar's first story was collected as the "free graphic novel" bagged with issue 278 of the Megazine.
Canon Fodder, 7 episodes [42 pgs], progs 861-867 (Nov. to Dec. 1993). Story by Mark Millar, art by Chris Weston.
Dark Matter, 8 episodes [48 pgs], progs 980-987 (Feb. to Apr. 1996). Story by "Kek-W" (Nigel Long), art by Chris Weston. | |||||
CAPTAIN KLEPCreators: David Angus, Nick Landau & Kevin O'Neill41 episodes: 1979-80 This was a one-page "comedy" strip brought over when Tornado was cancelled and some of its strips merged with 2000 AD. Trivia: The Klep strip in prog 147 features guest appearances from several retired British comic heroes, including Digby, Major Eazy, Kelly's Eye, Robot Archie and Captain Hurricane. Reprinted? You can't honestly claim there's been a lot of call for it... |
Captain Klep, 17 episodes [17 pgs], Tornado # 1-7, 9, 12-18, 20 and 22 (Mar. to Aug. 1979). Story by Dave Angus & Nick Landau, art by Kevin O'Neill.
The Millionaire and the Tramp, 1 episode [? pgs], Tornado Summer Special (July 1979). Art by Kevin O'Neill. Klep's Trial, 5 episodes {5 pgs], 2000 AD progs 127-128, 133, 135 & 139 (Aug. to Nov. 1979). Story by Dave Angus, art by Kevin O'Neill (pts 1-2) and Robin Smith (pts 3-5). Lord Klep, 8 episodes [8 pgs], 2000 AD progs 140-141, 143-147 & 149 (Nov. 1979 to Jan. 1980). Story by Dave Angus, art by Robin Smith. To the End of Time... and Back!, 5 episodes [5 pgs], 2000 AD progs 150-153 & 155 (Jan. to Mar. 1980). Story by Dave Angus, art by Robin Smith. The Case of the Five - Bang! - Six Dead Taxi Drivers, 4 episodes [4 pgs], 2000 AD progs 156-159 (Mar. to Apr. 1980). Story by Kev Sutherland, art by Robin Smith. untitled, 1 episode [? pgs], 1981 Tornado Annual (Sep. 1980). Story and art uncredited. | |||||
CARVER HALECreators: Mike Carey & Mike Perkins8 episodes: 2001 This was apparently commissioned to fulfill the strip's needs for both a new continuing character and a horror strip. While reader reaction was not strong, the strip was successful enough for Mike Carey to parlay it into some work-for-hire for DC Comics and was soon rewarded with an exclusivity contract, preventing him from returning to 2000 AD. Reprinted? Yes, in a hardback collection in the spring of 2005. |
Twisting the Knife, 8 episodes [40 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1236-1240 and 1247-1249. (Apr. to July 2001). Story by Mike Carey, art by Mike Perkins. | |||||
CHARLEY'S WARCreators: Pat Mills & Joe Colquhoun109 episodes, reprinted in 2003-2006
This series originally appeared in Battle Picture Weekly, beginning in # 200 (Jan. 6 1979) and continuing for 380 episodes in total, concluding in # 600 (Oct. 4 1986). Reprinted? Episodes 1-36 were previously collected by Titan in a pair of paperback collections in the mid-1980s. This Megazine repeat marked the first time episodes beyond that point had been reprinted since their original appearance. In 2004, Titan superceded their original TPBs with a line of annual hardcover collections. Volume one reprinted the first 29 episodes. Volume two reprinted episodes 30-59 and volume three reprinted episodes 60-83. See the Classic Comics page for more information. |
Charley's War, 76 episodes reprinted in Judge Dredd Megazine 211-228 (Oct. 2003 to Feb. 2005). Story by Pat Mills, art by Joe Colquhoun.
Charley's War, 12 episodes (pts 77-88) reprinted in Judge Dredd Megazine 234-236 (July to Sept. 2005). Story by Mills, art by Colquhoun.
Charley's War, 21 episodes (pts 89-109) reprinted in Judge Dredd Megazine 238-244 (Nov. 2005 to May 2006). Story by Mills, art by Colquhoun. | |||||
CHIAROSCUROCreators: Simon Spurrier & "Smudge"13 episodes: 2006 . |
Chiaroscuro, 13 episodes [65 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1507-1517. (Sep. to Dec. 2006). Story by Simon Spurrier, art by "Smudge." (published as eleven episodes) | |||||
CHOPPERCharacter created by John Wagner & Ron Smith39 episodes: 1988-91, 1993, 1995, 2004 Chopper is far and away one of the most popular characters created for 2000 AD. Born Marlon Shakespeare, he attempted to break the drudgery of Mega-City One by wall-scrawling his pseudonym CHOPPER throughout the city, building into a memorable war of "top THAT" against a rival, the Phantom. Judge Dredd cubed Shakespeare for a few years. Upon his release, he became a skysurfer and competed in the illegal Supersurf 7. "Midnight Surfer" became one of the most popular Dredd stories, in part by recasting Dredd as, emphatically, the villain out to stop our hero Chopper's bid for global celebrity. 1987's "Oz" was a 26-week epic in which Chopper escapes from confinement and makes his way to the Sydney-Melbourne Conurb to challenge Jug McKenzie in another Supersurf. In town anyway to deal with the Judda, Dredd agrees to let Chopper race, for Mega-City One's honor, but will re-arrest him at the finish line. Chopper loses to Jug in a photo-finish, but Oz Judge Bruce prevents the arrest, calling Chopper a hero and throwing Dredd out of town. Chopper retires to the Australian radback, eking out a subsistence living with a mutie named Smokie, meeting McKenzie again in his first solo story. "Song of the Surfer," which appeared a year later, is a candidate for the greatest story ever to appear in 2000 AD. Chopper, McKenzie and several other surfers make their way to Mega-City Two for Supersurf 11, only to learn that the promoter has decreed the last three legal supersurfs were too tame due to the absence of armed judges trying to quell it, and will line the course with snipers. McKenzie sensibly balks, but Chopper, insisting it is his destiny to race, goes ahead. The ensuing carnage is utterly shocking, highlighted by the brainless running commentary by Mega-City Two's TV sports personalities. Mortally wounded, Chopper collapses on his board inches from the finish line in what has to be the most heartbreaking moment to ever appear in a comic book. Many fans consider that to be his death, choosing to ignore the subsequent episodes. Even writer Garth Ennis has publically said that the episodes he wrote were mistakes, but he was considerate enough to point out John McRea did a nice job on the art. "Song of the Surfer" was reprinted in a collected edition by Fleetway; your bookshelf needs a copy. Top moment:There are four. The climaxes of the three Dredd stories are amazingly memorable, particularly when the whole city screams CHOPPER! CHOPPER! CHOPPER! as Dredd impassively leads him away in prog 429. But the end of "Song of the Surfer" is an absolute masterpiece.
Reprinted? The three Dredd series were all collected in different Titan editions, and "Song of the Surfer" was reprinted in a handsome volume by Fleetway in the early 1990s. "Earth, Wind and Fire" was collected as a two-part miniseries after Fleetway cancelled the American version of the Dredd Megazine after its third issue. In 2009, "Soul on Fire" and "Song of the Surfer" were reprinted in two supplements bagged with issues 282 and 283 of the Megazine. |
Soul on Fire, 4 episodes [27 pgs], 2000 AD progs 594-597 (Oct. 1988). Story by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil.
Song of the Surfer, 12 episodes [83 pgs], 2000 AD progs 654-665 (Nov. 1989 to Feb. 1990). Story by Wagner, art by MacNeil. Earth, Wind and Fire, 6 episodes [62 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.1 #1-6 (Sep. 1990 to Feb. 1991). Story by Garth Ennis, art by John McRea.
Deadman's Twist, 1 episode [8 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #36 (Sep. 1993). Story by Garth Ennis, art by Martin Emond. Supersurf 13, 8 episodes [48 pgs], 2000 AD progs 964-971 (Nov. to Dec. 1995). Story by Alan McKenzie, art by John Higgins & TCS. The Big Meg, 8 episodes [48 pgs], 2000 AD progs 1387-1394 (Apr. to June 2004). Story by John Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard, Dylan Teague & Chris Blythe. Chopper was introduced in the Judge Dredd story "Unamerican Graffiti" (progs 206-207) and reappeared in "Midnight Surfer" (progs 424-429). The solo series follows the events of the Dredd epic "Oz" (progs 545-570). He also appeared in "Funeral in Mega-City One" (Judge Dredd Poster Prog #4, 11/94). | |||||
CHRONOS CARNIVALCreators: Hilary Robinson & Ron Smith12 episodes: 1990 Reprinted? There is a scarce one-off collection of all twelve episodes issued by Fleetway in US comic format. |
Chronos Carnival, 6 episodes [30 pgs], 2000 AD progs 676-681 (Apr. to June 1990). Story by Hilary Robinson, art by Ron Smith.
The Caverns of Colony Five, 6 episodes [30 pgs], 2000 AD progs 695-699 (Sept. 1990). Story by Hilary Robinson, art by Ron Smith. (2 episodes appear in 699). | |||||
CITI-DEFCreators: Tony Lee & Jackademus5 episodes: 2009 . Reprinted? This series has not yet been reprinted. You'll need the original Megs. |
Field Trip, 5 episodes, Judge Dredd Megazine 279-283 (Jan. to Apr. 2009). Story by Tony Lee, art by Jackademus. | |||||
THE CLOWNCreators: Igor Goldkind & Robert Bliss16 episodes: 1992-94
If the letters page was any indication, The Clown was a rather popular effort at the time, with flowery, philosophical narration, baffling dialogue about blueberry cheesecake and such, rather nice (albeit dark) painting from Robert Bliss, with violence extreme even for this book. It opens with the decapitation of a simple, if disturbed, clown's only friend, a pony named Toby, and by the end, vengeance has been wreaked, operas have been disturbed, a little girl named Littlegirl has accompanied him to the House of Smiles, the Earth has been invaded, a gumshoe has met his father, and zombies have arisen from the grave. Baffling, but more than a little compelling, too. Reprinted? There is a one-off US-sized reprint which contains the first six episodes.
The Clown, 6 episodes [36 pgs], 2000 AD progs 774-779 (Mar. to Apr. 1992). Story by Igor Goldkind, art by Robert Bliss.
Book II prologue, 1 episode [6 pgs], 2000 AD prog 841 (June 1993). Story by Goldkind, art by Bliss. Vale of Tears, 1 episode [8 pgs], 1994 2000 AD Yearbook (Sep. 1993). Story by Goldkind, art by Greg Staples. Book II: Behind the Painted Mask, 8 episodes [48 pgs], 2000 AD progs 881-888 (Apr. to May 1994). Story by Goldkind, art by Bliss and Staples. | |||||
COLONY EARTHCreator: Jim Watson10 episodes: 1978 Reprinted? Perhaps surprisingly, this series was dusted off and seen again in August 2005's Extreme Edition #10. |
Colony Earth, 10 episodes [41 pgs], 2000 AD progs 52-61 (Feb. to Apr. 1978). Story and art by Jim Watson. | |||||
THE CORPSCreators: Garth Ennis & Paul Marshall6 episodes: 1994-95 This story of space judges is set in the Judge Dredd universe. It's six episodes of rather well-written filler material, with violent astro-judges escalating tensions between the Kleggs and Sino-Cit colonists. In retrospect, this may have been meant as a tie-in to some other Sino-Cit threads that appeared in both Judge Dredd and Chopper that never actually materialized. Reprinted? This series was collected in issue 17 of 2000 AD Extreme Edition in 2006. |
Fireteam One, 6 episodes [36 pgs], 2000 AD progs 918-923 (Dec. 1994 to Jan. 1995). Story by Garth Ennis (pts 1-5) and Si Spencer (pt 6 only, uncredited), art by Paul Marshall & Colin MacNeil. | |||||
THE CREEPCreators: Si Spencer & Kevin Cullen10 episodes: 1993-1995 Among my least favorite of any series from 2000 AD or the Meg, this is a needlessly, mindlessly violent, incredibly hateful series about a powerful mutant who lives in the Undercity beneath MC-1. |
Creep, 4 episodes [28 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #41-44 (Nov. to Dec. 1993). Story by Si Spencer, art by Kevin Cullen.
Creep's Day Out, 1 episode [7 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #50 (Mar. 1994). Story by Spencer, art by Cullen.
True Love, 4 episodes [28 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #51-54 (Apr. to May 1994). Story by Spencer, art by Cullen.
A Very Creepy Christmas, 1 episode [9 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine vol.2 #70 (Jan. 1995). Story by Spencer, art by Cullen. | |||||
CRISIS ONE-OFFSanthology series37+ episodes: 1989-90 . |
To Serve and Protect, Crisis # 21 (July 1989). Story and art by Floyd Hughes.
The Geek, Crisis # 22 (July 1989). Story by Mal Coney, art by Jim McCarthy.
The Student Konstabel, Crisis # 28 (Oct. 1989). Story and art by Phillip J. Swarbrick.
Her Parents, Crisis # 31 (Nov. 1989). Story by Mark Millar, art by John McCrea.
The Clicking of High Heels, Crisis # 32 (Nov. 1989). Story by Sarah Bramley-Anderson, art by Floyd Hughes.
Two Pretty Names, Crisis # 33 (Dec. 1989). Story by Si Spencer & Sue Swasey, art by Phil Laskey & Carol Swain.
Squirrels in Carroll Street, Crisis # 34 (Dec. 1989). Story and art by Floyd Hughes.
Feedback, Crisis # 34 (Dec. 1989). Story and art by Al Davidson.
Didn't You Love My Brother?, Crisis # 35 (Jan. 1990). Story by Tony Allen, art by David Hine.
The Unusual Obsession of Mrs Orton, Crisis # 36 (Jan. 1990). Story by Garth Ennis, art by Phillip J. Swarbrick.
Banged Up, Crisis # 37 (Feb. 1990). Story by Jack Blackburn, art by David Lloyd.
The Death Factory, Crisis # 39 (Mar. 1990). Story by Pat Mills, art by Sean Phillips.
A Kind of Madness, Crisis # 39 (Mar. 1990). Story by Pat Mills, art by Sean Phillips.
A Day in the Life, Crisis # 39 (Mar. 1990). Story by Igor Goldkind, art by Glenn Fabry.
Murky Waters, Crisis # 40 (Mar. 1990). Story by James Robinson, art by Tony Salmons.
Brighton Gas, Crisis # 41 (Apr. 1990). Story by Garry Pleece, art by Warren Pleece.
Passion and Fire, Crisis # 42 (Apr. 1990). Story by Carlos Sampayo, art by Oscar Zarate.
Faceless, Crisis # 42 (Apr. 1990). Story and art by Floyd Hughes.
China in Crisis, 2 episodes, Crisis # 42 and 45 (Apr. to June 1990). Story by Tony Allen, art by David Hine.
The Ballad of Andrew Brown, Crisis # 43 (May 1990). Story by Garth Ennis, art by Phil Winslade.
Try a Little Tenderness, Crisis # 44 (May 1990). Story by Si Spencer, art by Steve Sampson.
The Farmer and the Soldier, Crisis # 44 (May 1990). Story by Igor Goldkind, art by David Lloyd & Caroline Della Porta.
Felicity, Crisis # 47 (July 1990). Story by Chris Standley, art by Peter Doherty.
The Soldier and the Painter, Crisis # 48 (Aug. 1990). Story by Igor Goldkind, art by Phil Winslade.
Chicken Run, Crisis # 49 (Aug. 1990). Story by Gary Pleece, art by Warren Pleece.
No Messin' with Rupert, Crisis # 50 (Sep. 1990). Story and art by Oscar Zarate and Carlos Sampayo.
Your Death, My Life, Crisis # 50 (Sep. 1990). Story and art by Milo Manara.
Suddenly, Last Week, Crisis # 51 (Oct. 1990). Story by Nicholas Vince, art by Paul Johnson.
The Wall, Crisis # 51 (Oct. 1990). Story by Tony Allen, art by Enki Bilal.
The Power of the Pen, Crisis # 51 (Oct. 1990). Story and art by Alberto Breccia.
Prisoner of Justice, Crisis # 52 (Nov. 1990). Story by Alan Mitchell, art by Glenn Fabry.
The Happiest Days, Crisis # 52 (Nov. 1990). Story by Martine d'Ellard, art by Caroline Della Porta.
The School, Crisis # 53 (Dec. 1990). Story by Martine d'Ellard, art by Ed Hillyer.
The General and the Priest, 2 episodes, Crisis # 54-55 (Jan. to Feb. 1991). Story by Igor Goldkind, art by Jim Baikie.
In Cages There is No Escape, Crisis # 54 (Jan. 1991). Story and art by Paul Johnson.
Passing Through, Crisis # 55 (Feb. 1991). Story and art by Miguelanxo Prado.
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THE CROOKED MILECreator: Philip Bond10 episodes: 1989 A back-page light comedy about an angel and his wry observations about life, in some ways the Crisis equivalent of 2000 AD's Sooner or Later. |
Angels Amongst Us, 10 episodes [10 pgs], Crisis # 28-37 (Oct. 1989 to Feb. 1990). Story and art by Phillip Bond. | |||||
CURSED EARTH KOBURNCreators: Gordon Rennie & Carlos Ezquerra9 episodes: 2004 to present
Koburn, an ex-judge who Long Walked out to the Cursed Earth, finds his services still required from time to time by Mega-City One. Koburn is a Dredd-universe reworking of the character of Major Eazy, whom Ezquerra created for Battle Picture Weekly in 1976, and who was modelled on the actor James Coburn. Reprinted? All of Koburn's appearances are compiled in a Rebellion collection.
Kuss Hard, 3 episodes [23 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine 221-223 (July to Sep. 2004). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Carlos Ezquerra.
Burial Party, 1 episode [8 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine 228 (Feb. 2005). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Carlos Ezquerra. The Assizes, 1 episode [8 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine 239 (Dec. 2005). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Carlos Ezquerra. Malachi, 4 episodes [32 pgs], Judge Dredd Megazine 241-244 (Feb. to May 2006). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Carlos Ezquerra. Koburn first appeared in the Judge Dredd two-parter "Sturm und Dang" in Meg 211-212 (Oct/Nov 2003). | |||||
REBELLION REPRINTSJudge Dredd: The Carlos Ezquerra Collection (8/07). Reprints "Sturm und Dang," "Kuss Hard," "Burial Party," "The Assizes" and "Malachi." |