2000AD PROG 763
COVER DATE: 28th December, 1991
Price: 50 pence Earth money Cover: Judge Dredd by Richard Dolan
FUTUREGRAPH Brigand Doom by Dave D'Antiquis CONTENTS
Engram Part 2 6 episodes (Progs 758 to 763) 33 pages
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: David Roach
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 118
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 01
Bloated Case of the Fatted Keef 6 episodes (Progs 761 to 766) 36 pages
Script: Peter Milligan,
Artist: Jim McCarthy
Art of Geomancy 4 episodes (Progs 762 to 765) 24 pages
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: John Burns
Featuring: Max Normal, Stan Lee
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 16
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Target:Â Judge Dredd
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Top Dog
Island of the Damned 12 episodes (Progs 762 to 773) 62 pages
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 319
Classic 2000AD 5
Trash 11 episodes (Progs 760 to 770) 66 pages
Script: Paul Kupperberg,
Artist: Nigel Dobbyn
aka How Green is my Computer?
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