JUDGE DREDD (VOLUME 2) 48 (Fleetway Quality)
Cover Date: September, 1990
Price: 75 pence Earth money ($1.75) Cover: Judge Dredd by Tom Artis
and Sam De La Rosa
An Elm Street Nightmare 1 episode (Prog 635) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mick Austin
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 13
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 48, Colour: Unknown
The Confeshuns of PJ Maybe 3 episodes (Progs 632 to 634) 22 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Liam McCormack-Sharp
Featuring: PJ Maybe
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 13
2000AD Extreme Edition 2
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete P.J. Maybe
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Life And Crimes Of PJ Maybe
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 48, Colour: Unknown
The Dawn of the Loch Ness Monster 1 episode (Prog 674) 4 pages
Script: Nicholas Barber,
Artist: Ron Smith
Reprinted Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 48, Colour: Unknown
If you can help with any comics which are missing from this page, please contact Peter Thompson |