Rebellion Solicitation: The "Big Rain" has turned New York City into a twisted warren of river canyons and skyscraper archipelagoes where danger lurks both above and below the water. While the remnants of the city's population fight for a place among the ruins, others have persevered with their technology intact, surveying the less fortunate with cool detachment.
When a scientist named Eve crash lands in what was once mid-town Manhattan, she realises that in order to survive, she must put her trust in one of the "savages" - a salvage-hunter named Holly - who is as at home in this new wilderness as Eve is a stranger to it.
On sale January 2002 o 56 pg, B&W, £10.99 UK, $16.95 US
This volume reprints:
Rain Dogs, 10 episodes, progs 1213-1222 (Oct. to Dec. 2000). Story by Gordon Rennie, art by Colin Wilson.
Commentary: forthcoming
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The solicitation text on these pages is provided by Rebellion. Commentaries are written by and copyright Grant Goggans.