2000 AD's Summer of Thrill-Power!
2000 AD - Britain's cult award-winning weekly SF, fantasy and horror comic - surges into a Summer of Thrill-power as three all-new series premiere in its pages.
This horrific romance by John Smith (Devlin Waugh,
Vampirella) and Frazer Irving (Necronauts)
is a terrifyingly twisted take on the Romeo and Juliet story.
The world we know is merely a superficial illusion. We are ruled from
the shadows by two warring households - the vampire Sangreal and werewolf
Luperci dynasties.
But when the son of the Vampire King falls in love with the daughter of
the Luperci Bitch-Queen, it unleashes a spiral of horror and violence
which could drown both dynasties in a sea of blood. And if the lovers
were to breed...
"A Love Like Blood is part of a concerted effort to put
more horror into the Galaxy's Greatest Comic," says 2000 AD Editor
Andy Diggle. "It's a genre the readers want to see more of, especially
following the success of Necronauts.
"Having created gay exorcist and bloodsucker Devlin Waugh
for 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine, John Smith's horror
pedigree and singular imagination is perfectly at home in this kind of
territory," Diggle adds. "When it comes to smart horror and depraved weirdness,
he's the writer to look to and you can expect similar strangeness from
his and Steve Yeowell's forthcoming series, Pussyfoot 5: Alien Sex
"Frazer Irving's distinctive art style made him our first choice
for such a dark story - but rather than the elegant black-and-white linework
he's known for, he'll be working in full colour for the first time in
2000 AD. He's using a deliberately muted palette, making the sudden
splashes of scarlet are all the more chilling."
Another story red in tooth and claw is Satanus Unchained,
which reintroduces the feared Tyrannosaur who first appeared in the classic
Judge Dredd epic 'The Cursed Earth'.
Gordon Rennie (Missionary Man, Necronauts)
scripts this blackly comic bloodfest - with lusciously evocative painting
by Colin MacNeil (Chopper: Song Of The Surfer, Judge
Dredd: America) - as a hunting trip into the heart of Sauron Valley
goes horribly haywire and turns into a feeding frenzy.
"Everybody loves dinosaurs," Diggle says with a grin. "2000 AD
came up with the idea of cloned dinosaurs escaping from a theme park way
back in 1978, and now we're reclaiming our heritage with this classic
character from 2000 AD's 'Golden Age'. This is a good old-fashioned,
unapologetic monster story with a gleefully malevolent streak of political
incorrectness. Gordon and Colin are enjoying themselves immensely!"
Satanus Unchained is not recommended for vegetarians.
Talking of retro-trips, the good news for old-school 2000 AD
fans is that John Wagner and Ian Gibson - the creators behind
the classic Robo-Hunter - have reunited for a Banzai
Battalion solo series.
The diminutive garden-pest control droids made their first appearance
in a Judge Dredd story last year, and proved so popular
that getting their own series seemed inevitable. 'Escape to Glory' follows
the squad's quest to seek the Promised Land following a cruel betrayal
at the hands of Justice Department.
"When Banzai Battalion were first introduced into Dredd's
world, we knew we had a hit on our hands. As any Robo-Hunter
fan will tell you, Wagner and Gibson give good droid - so these mechanised
marines are perfect subject matter for their unique sense of humour,"
says Diggle.
"They're a legend in garden pest control," he adds.
These new stories are indicative of 2000 AD's exciting new direction,
combining classic characters and creators with new blood and fresh ideas.
All three series conclude in 2000 AD Prog 1249, making way for
a slew of new stories in Prog 1250 - including Garth Ennis and Carlos
Ezquerra's Judge Dredd epic, 'Helter Skelter'.
A Love Like Blood by John Smith
and Frazer Irving begins in 2000 AD Prog 1243, on sale Wednesday
23rd May 2001
Satanus Unchained by Gordon Rennie and Colin MacNeil begins in 2000
AD Prog 1244, on sale Wednesday 30th May 2001
Banzai Battalion: 'Escape to Glory' by John Wagner and Ian Gibson
begins in 2000 AD Prog 1246, on sale Wednesday 13th June 2001
For artwork or more information on these or other series appearing in 2000
AD, please contact Andy Diggle on (020) 7357 0130 or email Andy@2000ADonline.com