Cover reprinted as:

Best of 2000AD Monthly 80
Cover Date: 1st May, 1992
Price: 90 pence Earth money Cover: Rogue Trooper by Cam Kennedy
Thrill Power: 8.00 (5 votes)REPRINT MATERIAL
Bigfoot 1 episode (Prog 316) 4 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Cam Kennedy
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 80
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Eye of the Traitor
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Tales of Nu-Earth 1
Death Valley 3 episodes (Progs 381 to 383) 12 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Cam Kennedy
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 80
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Tales of Nu-Earth 2
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper To the Ends of Nu Earth
M For Murder 3 episodes (Progs 384 to 386) 12 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Cam Kennedy
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 80
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper Tales of Nu-Earth 2
Rebellion: Rogue Trooper To the Ends of Nu Earth
Mean Team 11 episodes (Progs 437 to 447) 53 pages
Script: John Wagner and Alan Grant as "The Beast",
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Tom Frame (1), Tony Jacob (2-11)
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-7)
The Best of 2000AD 79
The Best of 2000AD 80
2000AD Extreme Edition 25