| Martian peacekeepers the ABC Warriors return to 2000 AD in Prog 1476 (on sale 22 Feb 06 in the UK) for the third and final book of The Shadow Warriors, as they take on the merciless mek mercenaries in a titanic 10-episode tussle!
The seven Shadow Warriors - Dogtag, Warmonger, Dr Maniacus, Bootleg, Deus X Machina, Mr Lovebomb and The Rev - have been hired to take out the troublesome ex-war droids by any means necessary. And even Hammerstein won't be prepared for what Dr Maniacus has planned for him!
Written by Pat Mills and illustrated by Henry Flint, The Shadow Warriors Book III is an orgy of explosive, heavy-metal mayhem and to celebrate it's commencement the Flint droid has been commissioned to craft two variant covers for Prog 1476 - an ABC issue and a Shadows issue. Which side will you choose? |