Thrills 2000AD: 1
Covers 2000AD: 1
Graphic Novels: 1
Artwork Artwork: 1
Cover Art: 1
Wallpaper: 1
Glimmer Rats 10 episodes (Progs 1174 to 1182) 60 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Mark Harrison
First episode in 2000AD Prog 2000.
Reprinted Rebellion: Glimmer Rats
STARRING Madsen; Kostas; Tannhauser; Keyana; Villa; The Gimp
DATELINE Near future - within the next 50 years
LOCATION Munich, capital of the European Federation; The Glimmer, where reality simply doesn't apply
BACKSTORY The world has divided into a series of ultra-competitive economic blocks, and natural resources are at a premium. Space colonization is still just a dream, but new advances in Quantum Theory have opened up the possibility of parallel universes with infinite resources to plunder. First to develop inter-dimensional technology was the European Federation, a fascist superstate. But the experiment went horribly wrong, creating a rip in reality known as The Breachâ?¦
Through this poured terrifying creatures from a world called The Glimmer - and The Breach cannot be closed. In fact, it's expanding, slowly but surely consuming the Earth. Now troops are being sent through, to try and repair The Breach from the other side. Exiled from a dystopian world to somewhere even worseâ?¦