IRC #2000AD
#2000AD is the Galaxies
Greatest Comic's own IRC channel. IRC stands for Internet
Relay Chat and allows exactly that; chatting. #2000AD has
been on the go now for a couple of months and has become a
fixture of Wednesday night entertainment for many of the regular
posters to alt.comics.2000ad.
But, you don't need to be a news group aficionado to take part in
the chats, it is open to anyone and I'm here to tell you how.
If you already know your way around an IRC
program then all you need to know is : ChatNet, #2000AD,
Wednesday evenings from 10pm GMT onwards. For those that
don't, read on...
Your first step to joining in will be to get
yourself and IRC program or client, there are quite
a number of these around but I choose to use mIRC, for the
simple reason that it was recommended to me. You can
download mIRC from it's web site at and I dare
say it's available from
or other such places. Once you have downloaded the
program, which shouldn't take too long as it's under 1mB, then
install it as you would any other program. Now that it's
installed then fire it up and you will be presented with a screen
like this :
This is your mIRC setup screen, from the pull
down servers menu select one of the Chatnet
servers. It probably makes sense to choose one that
is geographically close to you. After that enter
you name in the name box and your e-mail in the e-mail
box, as far as I know these two are optional but it makes
sense to let people know who you are IMO. After
that you can choose you nickname which will your identity
for the chat room. In the example shown, I have
used the droidised version of my name as my first choice,
and simply my name as a secondary back-up. The
reason for the choice of two names is simply in case
someone has already taken your first choice. Two
people using the same name cannot occupy a chat
room. If you try and join a channel (chat room) and
both your nicknames are being used, the server will issue
you with a name, usually something like Guestx, x being a
number. Once you've filled this in, hit
"Connect to IRC server!". Once it's
connected you, you will be presented with a list of
channels, simply select #2000AD from the list or type it
in to the box provided, then click "Join
channel" and you're away. Have fun and say hi
if you see me. Remember; Wednesday, 10pm onwards,
IRCnet. If you're using Linux (if you're not,
shame on you! ;-) ) then I recommend using Zircon. Works
great for me and you can find it at either Freshmeat or If you
don't know what Linux is then drop me a line and I'll be
happy to tell you.