Spread the Word!
by Lee Robson Everything you could want to know about The ABC Warriors, Nemesis and
Ro-Busters is right here. Profiles, prog checks, series historys and a whole
lot more - Spread The Word! |
2000AD Review
by Gavin Hanly An unofficial site devoted to the Galaxy's Greatest Comic. Weekly synopses
and reviews of the latest issues, plus exclusive creator interviews, news,
features and more. |
The 2000AD Links Project
by Wakefield and Mechanismo The largest collection of 2000AD and Judge Dredd links on the Internet |
Psi-Judge Delaney
by Patti C The adventures of a Psi Judge in John Caliber's Judge Dredd Street Sim |
ABC Warriors Team Fortress
by Mike Wills Home page for UK Teamfortress classic clan, the ABC Warriors. We're a fairly new clan but we're good and are hoping to spread the word in next seasons uktfc league! |
The Justice Department
by Dan Kelly Rebellion sanctioned Judge team for the City of Heroes MMORPG |
by Wakefield Carter My main 2000AD fan site. Some pages have been copied to the official site, but others are still waiting in the wings. |
Mega City Tours
by Will Crites Three things to remember while you're a visitor in MC-1... - Have Fun
- Tell Your Friends
- and You've Never Seen Me
2000AD The Matrix
by Justin Smith Fan site detailing Prog details, and Thrill Database crosslinked... |
The Prog 534 Club webpage
by Oddboy Ever been fed-up of reading 2000AD input letters to Tharg saying "I've been reading since prog one and..."? Those Prog 1ers are elitest drokkers and so here's your chance at some elitest payback! |