Cover reprinted as:

2000AD PROG 978
COVER DATE: 9th February, 1996
Price: £1.00 Earth money Cover: Judge Giant by Colin MacNeil
Darkness Visible 5 episodes (Progs 975 to 979) 30 pages
Script: Nick Abadzis,
Artist: John Ridgway,
Colour: Gina Hart
The Pit 14 episodes (Progs 970 to 983) 86 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra (1-8), Colin MacNeil (9-11), Lee Sullivan (12-14),
Colour: Alan Craddock (9-11), Mike Hadley (12-14),
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Castillo, DeMarco, Judge Giant, Judge Guthrie Timeline data: 2117
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 24
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Pit
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Pit
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn The Pit
Chronocide 7 episodes (Progs 973 to 979) 42 pages
Script: Steve White/Dan Abnett,
Artist: Gary Erskine,
Colour: Simon Jacob,
Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 312
Kid Cyborg 8 episodes (Progs 972 to 979) 48 pages
Script: Kek-W,
Artist: Jim McCarthy,
Colour: Mann
On the Fragshell 4 episodes (Progs 976 to 979) 24 pages
Script: Dan Abnett,
Artist: Simon Coleby,
Colour: Gina Hart
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 318
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