Fan Input Poll Creator: 1
Interviewer: 1
GRANT GOGGANSI'm Grant, the Hipster Dad, the token American on the message board! I've been reading 2000 AD since prog 406. I was introduced to Dredd via the Eagle Comics series, and my best friend Dave, who now lives in Canada, soon converted me to pure thrill-power.
My site, Touched by the Hand of Tharg (linked below) is a comprehensive series index from an American perspective, with commentary, background information and fun trivia. I've been championing the new DC / Rebellion graphic novels whenever possible, and am usually bringing them up wherever plausible at general fan sites like comicon and newsarama.
I'm a single dad of two. The three of us live in Marietta, a suburb just north of Atlanta, and I get my comics from Bizarro Wuxtry in Athens, which is the planet's finest comic and record store. On those rare occasions I'm not on dad-duty, I play Heroclix, shop for old records, keep an eye out for Ms. Right and, once in a while, write or draw some comics. (Not many people read The GMS Legion, but you can at !) I also have a livejournal under the same gmslegion nickname.
Also, we didn't *all* vote for Bush in the deep, deep south. Many of us didn't. And as long as I can get ma grits and ma Brunswick stew, I ent a-leavin'. Y'all take care, y'hear!
This price guide is very approximate and is maintained by Grant Goggans. |
This guide, from Grant Goggans, aims to assist USA 2000AD collectors. |
Touched by the Hand of Tharg
by Grant Goggans Site cataloging all the stories which have appeared in 2000 AD |
GMS Legion
by Grant Goggans Georgia's fastest-growing small press comic! |