JUDGE JOYCECreated by Garth Ennis, Steve DillonFIRST APPEARANCE IN 2000ADJudge DreddEmerald Isle 6 episodes (Progs 727 to 732) 36 pages MOST RECENT APPEARANCE IN 2000ADInnocents Abroad 4 episodes (Progs 804 to 807) 24 pages FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE MEGAZINEJudgement Day 6 episodes (Megs 2.04 to 2.09) 54 pages Charlie Joyce STATUS Judge-Sergeant DATELINE 2147 AD LOCATION Murphyville, Emerald Isle BACKSTORY Young Charlie Joyce wanted to be a judge ever since his parents were arrested for multiple vehicle theft and grievous assault on a traffic vision on a traffic warden. His dream was realised easier than expected on the Emerald Isle, where the Judge Militia more resembles an old resembles an old fashioned police force than an intensely trained corps of judges. Joyce quickly reached the rank of Judge-Sergeant and in 2110 married his sweetheart Kathleen. He combines an easy-going attitude with a sharp mind and determination to crack any case, as Judge Dredd discovered when they teamed up to fight the Sons of Erin uprising of 2113.