Four figurines plus a copy of one of the most eagerly awaited RPGs must be won in this zarjaz competition!
Since its debut in 1987, the Final Fantasy series has sold over 70 million units worldwide. With its cutting-edge visuals, unique worlds and intricate narrative, Final Fantasy has defined the role-playing genre and continues to be adored by fans around the globe. Now the world's favourite RPG series
continues to evolve in Final Fantasy XII Â a new level of exploration and adventure lie ahead in the mystical world of Ivalice. Overflowing with
gorgeous, sweeping landscapes, colourful characters, exotic creatures, and a plot full of intrigue, this is a gaming experience not to be missed!
Thanks to those kindly and generous beings at publishers Square Enix, I have
one copy of Final Fantasy XII on PS2 to give away absolutely free, along with four figurines of the game's characters  Vaan, Balthier, Ashe and Gabranth. To get your hands on this scrotnig package, just answer this fantastically easy question:
This competition closed on 28th March, 2007. |