Gar's Lace Bobbin Collection
Series A - Names

[A - Names][B - Inscriptions][C - Bone][D - Sets]
[E - Pewter][F - Bitted/Spliced][H - Midlands]
[J - Bucks][K - Honiton & Modern]

A1 and A2 are ELIZABETH and JOHN (and are therefore not for sale). It seems Gar couldn't find a RICHARD (not a popular Victorian name) as they follow with GEORGE (A3), THOMAS (A4) and FANNY (A5).

Bobbin A4
Bobbin A6
The two shells attached to the spangle give an added interest.
£16 - Sold
Bobbin A7
£16 - Sold ($25.60)
Bobbin A9
Spiral inscription makes this more rare.
£16 - Sold
Bobbin A11
Wooden named bobbins are rare, plus this is an unusual name.
£16 - Sold
Bobbin A12
Interesting for the unusual name.
$33 - Sold
Bobbin A13
Very unusual name.
£16 - Sold
Bobbin A14
"Ann Rolert"
£25 - Sold ($40)
Bobbin A17
An unusual 'Tiger' bobbin. Also inscribed with 2 extra letters, possibly "AK".
£15.50 - Sold ($24.80)
Bobbin A18
£20.50 - Sold ($32.80)
Bobbin A19
"Sarah Salter 1839"
Named and dated.
£39 - Sold ($62.40)

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