Gar's Lace Bobbin Collection
Series B - Inscriptions

[A - Names][B - Inscriptions][C - Bone][D - Sets]
[E - Pewter][F - Bitted/Spliced][H - Midlands]
[J - Bucks][K - Honiton & Modern]

Bobbin B1
"Love Give me thy love"
Bobbin B2
"Love me and no other my dear"
£95 - Sold ($152)
Bobbin B3
"I do love the boys"
$140 - Sold
Bobbin B4
"For geet me not"
$72 - Sold
Bobbin B5
"For git me not"
£45 - Sold ($72)
Damaged in transit
Bobbin B7
"A present to Hannah Markham 1836"
£56 - Sold ($89.60)

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