Gar's Lace Bobbin Collection
Series H - Midlands

[A - Names][B - Inscriptions][C - Bone][D - Sets]
[E - Pewter][F - Bitted/Spliced][H - Midlands]
[J - Bucks][K - Honiton & Modern]

These are all turned wooden bobbins with spangles, made in the Midlands during the 19th Century. Gar's catalogue identifies some of them more precisely to a specific region of the Midlands (e.g. 'East Midlands (Nottingham), the southern part (South Beds, North Bucks and Oxfordshire), or the Northern part (North Beds, North Hants and Huntingdonshire).

Bobbin H1
£25 - Unsold ($40)
Interesting bobbin dyed and cut in a spiral.
Bobbin H4
£20.01 - Sold ($32.02)
Bobbin H6
Turned Midlands Bobbin
£16 - Unsold ($25)
Bobbin H10
Midlands Spangle fixing
£16 - Unsold ($25)
Bobbin H12
£16 - Sold ($25.60)
Bobbin H17
£18.50 - Sold ($29.60)
Bobbin H18
Old bobbin with modern example of a mourning spangle.
£25 - Unsold ($40)
Bobbin H22
An "old maid" bobbin
$20 - Sold
Bobbin H30
Probably used for Maltese or York lace
Bobbin H33
Unusual East Midlands bobbin with aqua fortis staining. East Midlands bobbins did not usually have aqua fortis staining. The spangle is attached by the less common staple method.
£23 - Sold ($36.80)
Bobbin H38
Plain turned Bedfordshire bobbin
Bobbin H43
A midland bobbin
£18 - Sold ($28.80)

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