Oz 26 episodes (Progs 545 to 570) 199 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Cliff Robinson (1), Jim Baikie (2, 25-26), Garry Leach/Will Simpson/Dave Elliott as K.Edwards (3-4), Brendan McCarthy (5, 7-8, 14-16), Will Simpson (6, 11-12, 17-19), Steve Dillon (9-10), Barry Kitson (13, 22-24) and John Higgins (20-21).
Featuring: Chopper, Kraken, Judge Fargo, Judge Bruce
Return of Chopper. First appearance of the Judda. K. Edwards = King Edwards = Spud Timeline data: 2109
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 11
Classic Judge Dredd 15 (1-7)
Classic Judge Dredd 16 (8-14)
Classic Judge Dredd 17 (15-21)
Classic Judge Dredd 18 (22-26)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Oz
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Dredd in Oz
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 1 (1-10)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 2 (11-20)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 3 (21-26)
Necropolis 26 episodes (Progs 674 to 699) 162 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Featuring: Judge Anderson, Judge Death, The Dark Judges, The Sisters of Death, Kraken, Judge Giant, Judge McGruder, Yassa Povey
Culmination of Kraken/Dead Man storyline. See 2000 AD Yearbook 1992 feature Timeline data: 2112
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 3.21
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.22
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.23
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.24
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.25
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.26
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.27
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.28
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.29
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.30
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.31
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.32
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.33
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.34
Judge Dredd Megazine 3.35
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 14
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Necropolis
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Necropolis
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Necropolis Book 2