DIDDLY-DUM, DIDDLY-DUM, DIDDLY-DUM ... Woo, and indeed, hoo: Doctor Who came back from the TV grave this year, with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper a revelation as sidekick Rose  and you know what? It was fantastic. Hurrah! A huge TARDIS-shaped set containing all thirteen episodes of Russell T Davies' new version (one episode of which, Father's Day, was written by the Meg's very own Paul Cornell), plus nearly five hours' worth
of extras (including commentaries on all thirteen episodes, video diaries by
Billie the P and Russell the TD, thirteen behind-the-scenes Doctor Who
Confidential shows and a preview of the upcoming special The Christmas
Invasion), is released on 21 November  and, thanks to BBC DVD/2 Entertain
Ltd, we've got three sets (RRP £69.99) to give away to three Meg readers.
Embrace your inner spod! To be in with a chance of winning a box, just tell
This competition closed on 13th December, 2005. |