Cover reprinted as:

A.B.C. Warriors Book 4 (Titan)
First Published: November, 1988
Price: £4.50 Earth money Cover: A.B.C. Warriors by Simon Bisley
ISBN: 1852860863
The Black Hole - 11?-21 21 episodes (Progs 555 to 581) 133 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Simon Bisley (1-4, 9-12, 17-21) and SMS (5-8, 13-16),
Letters: Jack Potter
Not in Progs 567, 568, 569, 570, 571 and 572.
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 3 (1-10?)
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 4 (11?-21)
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors The Black Hole
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 04 (1-2)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 05 (3-7)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 06 (8-11)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 07 (12-16)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 08 (17-21)
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors The Black Hole
The Best of 2000AD 103 (1-10)
The Best of 2000AD 104 (11-20)
The Best of 2000AD 105 (21)
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Black Hole