
| 2000AD 1154


| 2000AD 236 Wraparound cover . Stunning. Thanks to Joe Pruett for selling this to me.

Solo Flip 1 episode (Prog 52) 3 pages - Read Online
Script: Chris Lowder,
Artist: Brian Bolland,
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 204 (page 2 missing)
| Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Cincinnati 3 episodes (Progs 1371 to 1373) 18 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Carl Critchlow,
Letters: Tom Frame
| Page 6 (Part 1) Panel 6

Page 5 (Part 3) Panel 6

Page 6 (Part 3) Panel 5


| 2000AD 313


| 2000AD To trade Pin-up from the 2000AD Yearbook 1992


| 2000AD 1014

Quarantine 1 episode (Prog 526) 1 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Colin MacNeil
Reprinted 2000AD Extreme Edition 22
| Page Colins very first Dredd

N/A | Advertising artwork for Albacon 91

N/A | Advertising Artwork for comic convention 1993

Judgement Day 6 episodes (Megs 2.04 to 2.09) 54 pages
Script: Garth Ennis,
Artist: Dean Ormston (1-3, 5-6) and Chris Halls (4)
Featuring: Judge Joyce, Strontium Dog, Judge Inspector Sadu
Crossover. 14 episodes in 2000AD.
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 17
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Judgement Day
DC/Rebellion: Judge Dredd Judgement Day
| Page 1 (Part 1)


| Reprints clasjd12 I have both inked and painted versions, will put them up once camera works


| 2000AD 1357

| Unpublished A charity auction piece, pen and ink wash on A3 size board. Fantastic!

N/A | Fort:Prophet of the Unexplained TPB cover . Published by Dark Horse comics.


| GraphicNovels slainek

Die Laughing 2 episodes (Batman/Judge Dredd Die Laughing 1 to Die Laughing 2) 92 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Glenn Fabry (pages 1-46), Jim Murray (pages 36-45, plus 47-92), Jason Brashill (pages 36-45),
Letters: Ellie De Ville
Featuring: Judge Anderson, Judge Death
Reprinted Batman/Judge Dredd Die Laughing
DC/Rebellion: Batman/Judge Dredd Files
| Page 15 Inked and painted by Glen Fabry. c/w text overlay. Stunning


| 2000AD 1153

Total War 12 episodes (Progs 1408 to 1419) 72 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Henry Flint,
Colour: Chris Blythe,
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Hershey, Vienna Dredd, Judge Roffman, Judge Logan, Low Life
Reprinted Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Total War
Rebellion: Judge Dredd Total War
| Page 1 (Part 11) To trade

Page 2 (Part 11) To trade
Page 3 (Part 11) To trade
Page 4 (Part 11) To trade
Page 5 (Part 11) To trade
Page 6 (Part 11) To trade

| Specials bigfinish9 Cover art for the Audio Drama Dreddline


| 2000AD 1232


| 2000AD 1374 A stunning painted cover from one of the best Dredd artists ever

Play it again, Sam 16 episodes (Progs 292 to 307) 82 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Ian Gibson
Reprinted Rebellion: Robo-Hunter Play it Again, Sam
| Page 1 (Part 9)
Page 1 (Part 10)
The Alien Way 1 episode (Prog 204) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Ian Gibson
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 6
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
The Complete Judge Dredd 19
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 25
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Alien Nations
| Page 1 (Part 1)


| 2000AD 1129


| 2000AD 988


| 2000AD Outlaw Pin-up


| Unpublished Blown up into a full size banner for a skater event, with a hole cut where the skaters face should be.. (like those sea side postcards). Slightly creased

Conspiracy of Silence 4 episodes (Progs 891 to 894) 24 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mark Harrison,
Colour: Fully Painted,
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Castillo, Judge Hershey, Mechanismo
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 21
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Wilderlands
| Page 1 (Part 4)


| Megazine 2.37
Goodnight Kiss 9 episodes (Progs 940 to 948) 54 pages
Script: Garth Ennis,
Artist: Nick Percival
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 23
Titan: Judge Dredd Goodnight Kiss
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Target: Judge Dredd
| Page 2 (Part 7) Beautiful


| 2000AD 830


| 2000AD 356

Shanty Town 4 episodes (Progs 300 to 303) 25 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Ron Smith
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 40
The Best of 2000AD 41
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 06
The Complete Judge Dredd 29
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 6
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Missionary Man: Goin^ South
| Page 1/2 (Part 2)

The Judge Child 26 episodes (Progs 156 to 181) 163 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Brian Bolland (1, 7, 17-18), Ron Smith (2-4, 9-10, 12-14, 19-20, 24-26), Mike McMahon (5-6, 8, 11, 15-16, 21-23),
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Hershey, Mean Machine, The Angel Gang
Alan Grant begins as co-scripter. Timeline data: 2102
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of (1-5)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
The Complete Judge Dredd 14 (1-3)
The Complete Judge Dredd 15 (4-13)
The Complete Judge Dredd 16 (14-22)
The Complete Judge Dredd 17 (23-26)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Child Quest
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 1 (1-9)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 2 (10-18)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child Quest
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 3 (19-26)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child Quest
| Page 1/2 (Part 19)

Page 3 (Part 19)

Page 4 (Part 19)

Drunk Driving 1 episode (187, Daily Star 23rd March, 1985)
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Ron Smith
Reprinted Fleetway: Judge Dredd Daily Star Mega Collection
| Page 1


| USReprints qdredd31 QC Comics #31. Pencils by Rich Larson

Revenge of Trapper Hag 2 episodes (Progs 1165 to 1166) 12 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Siku
Reprinted Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Klegg Hai!
| Page 6 (Part 1) To trade

Page 1 (Part 2)

Page 3 (Part 2)

Page 4 (Part 2)

Page 5 (Part 2)

Page 6 (Part 2)

Fetish 5 episodes (Megs 3.26 to 3.30) 85 pages
Script: John Smith,
Artist: Siku
Featuring: Devlin Waugh, Judge Karyn
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 26
Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Fetish
DC/Rebellion: Devlin Waugh Swimming in Blood
| Page 8/9 (Part 4) WOW [Image]

| GraphicNovels dredd23 Pencil prelim


| 2000AD 1424


| 2000AD 1443


| 2000AD 1448


| 2000AD 1461


| 2000AD 1467

| 2000AD 1502


| 2000AD 1508


| 2000AD 1515


| 2000AD 1531


| 2000AD 1535 Stunning!!


| 2000AD 1553


| 2000AD 1563


| 2000AD 1569

| 2000AD 1578


| 2000AD 1583


| 2000AD 1595

| Megazine 245


| Megazine 249


| Reprints clasjd6

City of the Damned 14 episodes (Progs 393 to 406) 93 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Steve Dillon (1, 5-7, 12-13)/Ron Smith (2-3, 10, 14)/Kim Raymond (4, 11)/Ian Gibson (8-9)
Featuring: Judge Anderson Timeline data: 2106
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 08
The Complete Judge Dredd 39 (1-6)
The Complete Judge Dredd 40 (7-14)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics City of the Damned
| Page 1 (Part 1)


| USReprints mps36 To trade


| Megazine 3.54
