Thrills 2000AD Writer: 47
Megazine Writer: 18
Other Writer: 4
Fan Input Photos: 4

Harris's Quest fot the Perfect Christmas Pint (2000AD Prog 2014) 8 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: Edmund Bagwell,
Letters: Simon Bowland
He's making a list... (2000AD Prog 2006) 10 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: Simon Coleby,
Letters: Tom Frame
Reprinted Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Low Life: Paranoia
Rebellion: Mega-City One Undercover
Jive Turkey (2000AD Prog 2010) 8 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: Smudge,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Reprinted Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Lowlife: Hostile Takeover
The Really Big Christmas Sleep (2000AD Prog 2015) 6 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: D'Israeli,
Letters: Simon Bowland
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