Thrills 2000AD Writer: 1
2000AD Artist: 16
Megazine Artist: 1
Other Writer: 1
Other Artist: 2
Covers 2000AD: 2
Megazine: 2
Other: 1
US Reprints: 1
Graphic Novels: 7
Star Scans: 4
Artwork Wallpaper: 2
Fan Input Photos: 1

The Doomsday Machine 7 episodes (Progs 79 to 85) 40 pages
Script: Roy Preston as Henry Miller (1-3), Nick Landau (3-7) and Roy Preston (4-7),
Artist: Trevor Goring/Garry Leach (1-6), Dave Gibbons (7)
Reprinted Fleetway Quality: Dare the Impossible 07 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Dare the Impossible 08 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Dare the Impossible 09 (6-7), Colour: Unknown
The Day the Law Died 20 episodes (Progs 89 to 108) 111 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon (1-3, 8-9, 12), Brett Ewins (4, pencils 5, 17), Brendan McCarthy (inks 5, 17), Brian Bolland (pencils 6-7), Garry Leach (inks 6-7), Brian Bolland (10, 13-14), Garry Leach (15), Ron Smith (16, 18-20),
Letters: Tom Frame (1-2, 6-20), Tom Knight (3), Jack Potter (4)
Featuring: Judge Cal, The Kleggs, Judge Goodman (murdered in ep. 1), Judge Griffin
First appearances of Judge-Tutor Pepper (later Deputy Chief Judge) ep. 4, Fergee ep. 12. Timeline data: 2101
Reprinted Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Caligula
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Caligula 1 (1-7)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Caligula 2 (8-20)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 02
The Complete Judge Dredd 10 (14-20)
The Complete Judge Dredd 8 (1-2)
The Complete Judge Dredd 9 (3-13)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Day the Law Died
Eagle: Judge Dredd 10 (3-7?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 11 (8-12?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 12 (13-17?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 13 (18-20?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 9 (1-2?), Colour: John Burns
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Day the Law Died
Night of the Bloodbeast 1 episode (Prog 138) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Garry Leach
Featuring: The Kleggs
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 03
The Complete Judge Dredd 13
Eagle: Judge Dredd 16, Colour: John Burns
Attack of the 50 ft. Woman 1 episode (Prog 492) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Garry Leach
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 233
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Classic Judge Dredd 10
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 14, Colour: Unknown
The Comeback 1 episode (Prog 513) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Garry Leach
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 233
Judge Dredd Megazine 369
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Classic Judge Dredd 13
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 51, Colour: Unknown
Ten Years On 1 episode (Prog 520) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Garry Leach
Featuring: "Whitey" Logan
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 233
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Oz 26 episodes (Progs 545 to 570) 199 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Cliff Robinson (1), Jim Baikie (2, 25-26), Garry Leach/Will Simpson/Dave Elliott as K.Edwards (3-4), Brendan McCarthy (5, 7-8, 14-16), Will Simpson (6, 11-12, 17-19), Steve Dillon (9-10), Barry Kitson (13, 22-24) and John Higgins (20-21).
Featuring: Chopper, Kraken, Judge Fargo, Judge Bruce
Return of Chopper. First appearance of the Judda. K. Edwards = King Edwards = Spud Timeline data: 2109
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 11
Classic Judge Dredd 15 (1-7)
Classic Judge Dredd 16 (8-14)
Classic Judge Dredd 17 (15-21)
Classic Judge Dredd 18 (22-26)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Oz
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Dredd in Oz
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 1 (1-10)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 2 (11-20)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Oz 3 (21-26)
The Juggernaut 1 episode (Prog 58) 3 pages
Script: Hunter Tremayne,
Artist: Garry Leach
Cold Kill 1 episode (Prog 94) 3 pages
Script: Mike Cruden,
Artist: Garry Leach
Reprinted Quality: Time Twisters 12, Colour: Unknown
Easy Kill 1 episode (Prog 205) 4 pages
Script: Garry Leach,
Artist: Garry Leach
Features Geeks from The VC's
Bloomin' Cold 1 episode (Prog 215) 5 pages
Script: Kelvin Gosnell,
Artist: Garry Leach
Featuring: A Joe Black Adventure
They Sweep the Spaceways 1 episode (Prog 219) 4 pages
Script: Alan Moore,
Artist: Garry Leach
Reprinted Rebellion: Tharg's Future Shocks Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks
The Best of 2000AD 2
Titan: Tharg's Future Shocks Alan Moore's Shocking Futures
Quality: Time Twisters 01, Colour: Unknown
Scrambled Eggs 1 episode (Prog 226) 2 pages
Script: Alan Hebden,
Artist: Garry Leach
Reprinted Quality: Time Twisters 06, Colour: Unknown
A Sound of Intergalactic Thunder 1 episode (Prog 1449) 1 pages
Script: Al Ewing,
Artist: Rufus Dayglo (pencils), Garry Leach (inks - uncredited),
Letters: Ellie De Ville
You are Slaine: Tomb of Terror 15 episodes (Progs 447 to 461) 31 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Garry Leach (1-15), Glenn Fabry (1), Williams (2-3), Una Fricker (11-15)
Reprinted Rebellion: Sláine The King
The VCs 32 episodes (Progs 140 to 175) 129 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day, Steve MacManus as Ian Rogan (6),
Artist: Mike McMahon (1), Garry Leach (2, 5, 8-9, 14-15, 21-22, 25-26), Cam Kennedy (3-4, 6,-7, 10-13, 16-20, 23-24, 27, John Richardson (28-32)
Not in Progs 144, 166, 167 and 170.
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 30
The Best of 2000AD 31
The Best of 2000AD 32
Titan: The V.C.'s Book 1 (1-15)
Titan: The V.C.'s Book 2 (16-32)
Rebellion: The V.C.'s You're Hit, You're Dead!
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