Thrills 2000AD Letters: 149
Megazine Letters: 73
Other Letters: 21
Fan Thrills Letters: 1

Harris's Quest fot the Perfect Christmas Pint (2000AD Prog 2014) 8 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: Edmund Bagwell,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Sick Leave (2000AD Prog 2012) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Tiernen Trevallion,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Dirty Postcards (2000AD Prog 2013) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Tiernen Trevallion,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Old Pals' Act (2000AD Prog 2014) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Tiernen Trevallion,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Prologue (2000AD Prog 2012) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Leigh Gallagher,
Colour: Dylan Teague,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Quo Vadis, Domine? (2000AD Prog 2013) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Leigh Gallagher,
Colour: Gary Caldwell,
Letters: Simon Bowland
The Nativity (2000AD Prog 2008) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Dom Reardon,
Letters: Simon Bowland
The Expose (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2014) 4 pages
Script: Jody Leheup,
Artist: Jefte Palo,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Brothers in Arms (2000AD Prog 2015) 10 pages
Script: Gordon Rennie,
Artist: Simon Coleby,
Colour: Len O'Grady,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Lilly MacKenzie and the Mines of Charybdis 8 episodes (Beyond 2000AD ) 96 pages
Script: Simon Fraser,
Artist: Simon Fraser,
Colour: Gary Caldwell,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Orginally published over 88 pages on the Webcomics Collective ACT-I-VATE. Slightly extended and tweaked for the reprint in the Judge Dredd Megazine
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 298 (1)
Judge Dredd Megazine 299 (2)
Judge Dredd Megazine 300 (3)
Judge Dredd Megazine 301 (4)
Judge Dredd Megazine 302 (5)
Judge Dredd Megazine 303 (6)
Judge Dredd Megazine 304 (7)
Judge Dredd Megazine 305 (8)
Jive Turkey (2000AD Prog 2010) 8 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: Smudge,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Reprinted Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Lowlife: Hostile Takeover
The Really Big Christmas Sleep (2000AD Prog 2015) 6 pages
Script: Rob Williams,
Artist: D'Israeli,
Letters: Simon Bowland
No Comics for Old Men (2000AD Prog 2015) 11 pages
Script: Guy Adams,
Artist: Ben Willsher,
Colour: Chris Blythe,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Dead Ringer (2000AD Prog 2011) 10 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Staz Johnson,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Dregs of War (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2014) 8 pages
Script: Guy Adams,
Artist: Darren Douglas,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Death of a Demon (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2015) 8 pages
Script: Guy Adams,
Artist: Darren Douglas,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Shore Leave (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2016) 6 pages
Script: Guy Adams,
Artist: Jimmy Broxton,
Letters: Simon Bowland
The Feast (2000AD Winter Special 2014 to 2014) 8 pages
Script: Guy Adams,
Artist: Lee Carter,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Phantom Pains (2000AD Winter Special 2014 to 2014) 4 pages
Script: Eddie Robson,
Artist: Jeff Anderson,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Valhalla (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2019) 6 pages
Script: Michael Carroll,
Artist: Patrick Goddard,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Merry Christmas, Mr Zombo (2000AD Prog 2010) 6 pages
Script: Al Ewing,
Artist: Henry Flint,
Letters: Simon Bowland
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